Language Beyond: ブッククラブを企画しましょう

Language Beyond: ブッククラブを企画しましょう @ あなたの公-差-転
Language Beyond: ブッククラブを企画しましょう
Language Beyond: ブッククラブを企画しましょう 10月28日(土) 16:00-18:00 予約はこちら 向こうにある言語。まだ手が届かないところにある言葉。今まで出会っていない、わからない表現だけど、探ってみれば自分の言葉とつながるかもしれません。 公‐差‐転でブッククラブをはじめることにしました。読書というのはひとりですることですが、わたしたちは本をめぐって、または本をはなれて、話をすることができます。同じ本をあつかっても、ひとりひとりが読書によってなにを経験するかは、じっさいには大きく異なるものですから、本について話しあうこともまた、新しい経験になるとおもいます。 公‐差‐転は様々な価値観、背景、言葉を持つ人がクロスしながら、主体的に場所を作っていく交差点です。そのプロセスのなかで表現と対話が重要な軸になり、表現の自由や他者と向き合う場所、多様な声が上げられると同時に他人の声に耳を傾けられる場所をめざしています。このスペースの機能のひとつは図書室であり、ブックホテルで自分の大切な本を滞在させることもできます。 こういった空間の中でさまざまな人と読書会を開きたいと思っています。 ブッククラブのすすめかた、それからおそらくもっとも大切な、何を読むのかということについて、公‐差‐転にはいくつかのアイデアがあります。たとえば… ・比較的マイナーな作品もとりあげること ・さまざまな国の文学を読むこと ・第二言語で書いている作家に注目すること こうしたアイデアをもとに会をすすめていきたいのですが、具体的なことを決めるにあたってみなさんの考えをお聞きしたいので、企画ミーティングを開催することにしました。ミーティングでは、読書会で扱いたいテーマや読みたい本、作家さんを紹介いただけたらと思います。 ブッククラブを一緒に企画したい方、または自分の言葉を探している方の参加をお待ちしております! Language Beyond : Call to Organize a Book Club 28th October 16:00-18:00 The language beyond. Words which we can not quite reach. Expressions which we have not yet met, or do not yet understand, but as we explore them in depth they may finally become our own. Kosaten is hoping to start a regular book club again. The act of reading is one usually performed alone, but we have the ability to discuss around and beyond the contents of the books we place before us. For a single book each one of us holds a different experience and different interpretation, which we have the possibility of opening up to each other through dialogue. Kosaten is a space where people of different backgrounds, languages and values cross each others’ paths and actively create their place of being. Within this process “expression” and “dialogue” are essential, attempting to build a place for the freedom of expression and the encounter with the other, a platform where multiple voices can be raised, and where we turn our ears to the voices of others. One of the functions of this space is as a library, and here we have a Book Hotel where people can leave their precious books to stay with us for a few weeks/months. It is within such a setting that we wish to hold a book club program. Kosaten has a number of ideas for the book club but we want to hear your suggestions and create this program together with anyone who wants to join.   Our suggestions: +To read lesser known writers +To read works from countries around the world +To focus on writers who write in their second language   We are planning a meeting in order to organize this program and invite anyone who has an enthusiasm for reading and language. We hope you will come with your own suggestions of particular themes you would like to explore and books/authors you would like to tackle in the book club. We look forward to meeting you all!
Date and Time
October 28, 2017 @ 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm Asia/Tokyo Timezone

Language Beyond: ブッククラブを企画しましょう
10月28日(土) 16:00-18:00







Language Beyond : Call to Organize a Book Club 28th October 16:00-18:00

The language beyond. Words which we can not quite reach. Expressions which we have not yet met, or do not yet understand, but as we explore them in depth they may finally become our own.

Kosaten is hoping to start a regular book club again. The act of reading is one usually performed alone, but we have the ability to discuss around and beyond the contents of the books we place before us. For a single book each one of us holds a different experience and different interpretation, which we have the possibility of opening up to each other through dialogue.

Kosaten is a space where people of different backgrounds, languages and values cross each others’ paths and actively create their place of being. Within this process “expression” and “dialogue” are essential, attempting to build a place for the freedom of expression and the encounter with the other, a platform where multiple voices can be raised, and where we turn our ears to the voices of others. One of the functions of this space is as a library, and here we have a Book Hotel where people can leave their precious books to stay with us for a few weeks/months. It is within such a setting that we wish to hold a book club program.

Kosaten has a number of ideas for the book club but we want to hear your suggestions and create this program together with anyone who wants to join.


Our suggestions:

+To read lesser known writers

+To read works from countries around the world

+To focus on writers who write in their second language


We are planning a meeting in order to organize this program and invite anyone who has an enthusiasm for reading and language. We hope you will come with your own suggestions of particular themes you would like to explore and books/authors you would like to tackle in the book club.

We look forward to meeting you all!