kosaten にほんご japanese language study
毎週日曜日 14:00-15:30/15:30-17:00
場所: http://kosaten.org/access/
予約 よやく contact@kosaten.org
kosaten で まいしゅうにちようびに 日本語(にほんご) を みんなで べんきょう します。おもにビギナーのためににちじょうかいわをべんきょうしています* べんきょうしたいこと・ わからないこと が あれば おしえて ください。きほんてきにいったいいち(それかペア)でべんきょうできます。
kosaten japanese language study
free to participate / newcomers welcome!
every sunday 14:00-15:30/15:30-17:00
access: http://kosaten.org/access/
reservation contact@kosaten.org
We hold a regular japanese language class at kosaten every Sunday afternoon. Mostly beginners are joining the class, but please let us know if you have a wish for more advanced levels. Although we do not have “professional” teachers here, let’s see what we can do with our own skills and ideas so we can enjoy learning to converse in Japanese. We would be happy to know if you have any specific terms, words and phrases in japanese that you would like to study with us! Mostly there will be the opportunity to study one to one, or as a pair.
kosatenでは下記のことを大切にしたいです。お越しになる前にご覧になってください。同意できる人はぜひkosatenにいらっしゃってください。kosaten has the following principles – please read them in advance – if you can agree with them then please come to kosaten.
日本語学習で意識したいこと Things to keep in mind in Japanese study
The Japanese study at kosaten is about communication between people
There are no teachers and no students
kosaten tries to nurture a space to share things together on an equal footing. In Japanese language study we try to avoid the distinction between teacher and student, striving to overcome hierarchical relationships and rather than one-directional “teaching” we attempt to learn from each other. We want to respect each other’s different backgrounds and identities and take the opportunity to take a step beyond our world view.
Issues of Language
We want to think about what it means to learn a language. Through another language we can gain another perspective, but at the same time we also swallow the prejudices which are ingrained in language (particularly with concern to gender and nationality etc). When certain expressions come up in Japanese text books which we have some concern about we hope we can discuss about it and propose some alternative examples.
Foreign nationals or those with international roots are those mainly studying Japanese. During conversations naturally talk about their country of origin/connection will come up. But they are not representatives of their countries and probably don’t want to talk about their county on a stereotypical level, in some cases they may not want to talk about their country at all. Let’s give respect to our different origins while trying not to oversimplify and exotify these. Let’s also try to avoid expressions like “Japanese people are like this….”, “People from this country are like this….”.
kosaten is a queer space. We are thinking about the possibilities beyond gender stereotypes and binaries. Both those studying and those assisting study have different gender identities. We want to keep in mind that gender cannot be judged by appearance and not make assumptions about pronouns etc.
We all have different beliefs, religions and spiritualities. Whilst respecting each others beliefs we also wish to be careful not to impose our beliefs on others.
In the process of studying Japanese a lot of conversations, questions and answers naturally take place. Through those communications also private information might be shared. We need to respect each other’s privacy by not sharing that information with others and also keep in mind we don’t have to answer a question just because we have been asked. We also have the option to make up a fictional answer too.
We want to create a space where we can talk openly about things which we are concerned about, and we want to work together to make an environment where we can call on someone around us when we feel unsafe or hurt by something