第4回: 当事者から学ぶコンゴ民主共和国の現状
Connecting with Refugees – vol.4
Learning about the relaity of Democratic Republic of the Congo from a refugee
This ongoing series is designed to provide a platform for people to come together with regugees living in Japan and in fostering new connections hopes to contribute towards the sustainable living of those who have come to this country seeking refuge co-creating a space for them in society.
On this occasion we will listen to a voice of a refugee living in this society who shares what’s going on in their homeland.
Our friend, Yves from RDC will share his story with us.
RDC is said to be one of the poorest country in the world.
It is not so accessible to information of DRC, yet people’s lives have been exploited and ruined since the outbreak of first Congo war in 1996, 20 years ago.
Furthurmore, the atrocities going on there is NOT nothing to do with our life here.
Come join us to meet with refugees and lend our ears to their stories.
Date: October 29 (Sat) 15:00-18:00
Meeting point: Kosaten (1670041 Suginami-ku
4-1-1 Zenpukuji Wada Bld. 4F)
Admission: 1500 yen (to be used to provide travel fee for the refugee guests and ingredients for sweets)
Reservation: Please contact sustainable.tokyo@gmail.co
【Our concern and purpose of the event】
We continuously hear in the news the issues of refugees and their increasing numbers across the world. Their experiences and challenges are unimaginable to many of us, yet their presence is close at hand.
With pitiful few refugees given official recognition by the Japanese government and many struggling without official visas or work permits, Japan is also a tough place to be for many refugees.
Yet thousands of such people are sharing the same sphere of everyday life as the rest of us without us even realizing it.
How can open up more opportunities to build relations between so-called “ordinary citizens” and refugees?
Through this event series we hope to approach each participant as an individual and draw upon their skills, experiences and personality to carve out a new layer of shared time and space.