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Fair-Ground – Raising a Tent for Women and Queer People
For a long time at kosaten we have been facing a problem of gender roles, lack of safe space and a prevalent presence of cis men, making it difficult for many other people to feel at ease in the space here. In confronting this situation we felt that a specific time for women and those of queer identities could use the space more freely. We are glad to introduce Fairground – a monthly time and space for women and queer people.  It is a space to be comfortable in who we are, to feel solidarity with each other, to speak up about things we often feel we don’t have the chance to voice and work together to build a safe and fun environment. Like a fairground it is a place to play, to enjoy a sense of the carnival conviviality, while establishing Fair Ground – a space of equality, in which we attempt to free ourselves from binary, cis male dominated, heteronormative expectations.
kosaten is still in a process of learning but we would be very grateful if you would come and help raise this tent together with us. If you could spare some time to get involved in the preparations for this program we would be very happy to hear from you.
Please email us here[:]