皆のフェミニズム (English below)
月一回のペースで日本語と英語、バイリンガルで行う、年齢、性別、セクシュアル・アイデンティティ、職業を問わず、誰でも参加できる、「皆のフェミニズム」。 今回のテーマは「女性とメディア」。テレビ、音楽、雑誌、SNS、あらゆるポップ・カルチャーでは女性はどのように表象されるでしょうか?日本だけではなく、さまざまな国や文化のメディアを比較しながら、メディアのフィルターによって女性はどのように自分自身を意識しているかという影響について検討していきます。
“Feminism for Everyone”
Date: 29th May 2016 14:00-17:00
Venue: Kosaten (Tokyo, Suginami-ku, Zempukuji 4-1-1 Wada Bld. 4F) http://kosaten.org/about/
The word feminism is hard to define. Though the meaning of feminism is mercurial it is an essential part of our lives. As such, we plan to host a series of discussions surrounding the word feminism and specific topics that relate to feminism. The goal is to make feminism accessible and understandable for everyone, no matter what your age, gender, sexuality, occupation or background may happen to be. All our welcome to join us on this journey. This event will take place regularly every month and will be conducted bilingually in English and Japanese.
This month we examine the topic of “Women and the Media”. Through discussions and small activities we plan to look at the relationship between women in TV, music, magazines, SNS, and other pop culture. We will not just focus on Japanese media, but other countries and culture’s media as well. We will think about how the media’s representation affects the modern women view themselves.
Further planned events in this series:
June 26th 14:00-17:00