
Starting from December 20 until 27, 2017
14:00 – 23:00 (Tokyo time)


Tactical Radio: Migration and Escape

Migration and Escape is a theme behind the series of tactical radio events which functions also as a cohabitational space between different individuals and groups of people (foreign migrant workers/trainee, freeters, hikikomori, etc.) who, despite the disparity of their context they share together a common condition in life under late capitalism, which is precariousness. This shared insecurity and permanent crisis in life is figuratively expressed through the temporality, invisibility and transient characteristics of the tactical radio. However, this shared precariousness and sociability of suffering on the other hand also describes the political and aesthetic approach to the tumultuous experience of the everyday life.

Thus, this transitory, polymorphous and temporary radio station, which also serves as a makeshift laboratory, organizes publicly a weeklong series of cohabitational and discursive radio events: panel discussions, music, experiments, storytelling, research, workshops, party, etc. that aims to activate the constellation of different subjectivities towards the recognizability of each other by sensing the shared grievability of our precarious life.

This multi-authored public radio program has been initiated by Jong Pairez – unskilled foreign migrant worker, precariat and curator/researcher student. It is kindly supported, morally and laborly, by Radio Kosaten and friends.


路地と人 ROJITOHITO December 20-27, 2017

RADKO FM – 移住と逃亡  12月20日~27日 路地と人 東京都千代田区三崎町2-15-9 木暮ビル2F

RADKO FMは資本主義の下で不安定な状況に置かれている人々、例えば移住労働者、技能実習生、フリーター、引きこもりの状態である方、クィアの方など、さまざまな異なるアイデンティティや体験を持つ個人やグループとの間にリンクをつくる、共生の空間を作り出す、一時的なラジオ放送です。不安定な存在であるプレカリアートの状態はラジオという目に見えない、低出力の電波としてのメディア自体にも比喩的に投影されています。共通点としてプレカリアートであることをさらに共有することも日々の騒がしい生活への政治的、美的なアプローチ(取り組み)につながるかもしれません。


この共同制作として作られたパブリックなラジオ番組はプレカリアートで、未熟練の移住労働者、キュレーター、リサーチャー、学生であるジョン・パイレズによって提案・企画されました。Radio Kosatenは複数のメンバーとさまざまな協力者によって成り立っています。


Radio Panel Discussion 1: Politics of Survival 生き残りのための政治

12月23日 Saturday 19時~21時

“Alienation is then considered not as the loss of human authenticity, but as estrangement from capitalist interest, and therefore a necessary condition for the construction – in a space estranged from and hostile to labor relations – of an ultimate human relationship.” Franco Beradi (The Soul on Strike, 2009)

「疎外は人間の信頼性の喪失ではなく、資本主義的な関心からの離反と解釈される。それゆえに、-労働関係とは疎遠であり敵対的な空間における- 究極的な人間関係の構築にとって必要条件である」フランコ・ベラルディ(2009)

Over the years prior to the turn of the century many has changed dramatically. The wall in Berlin that separates East and West Germany had collapsed. The Soviet bloc defeated and the Capitalist history turned to its end. Democracy had triumphed over dictatorship, however, thereafter a staccato of deregulations and economic restructuring let Western welfare states crumbling down. Regular employment ceased and in the following decades the rest of the workers and the generations to follow has to live and survive precariously on their own. In Japan the family-corporate system broke down allowing a “lost generation” to proliferate who mostly still look back at the glory days waiting for someday they relive the postwar abundant past, but to some they simply lost hope. Today, as precariousness escalate globally, estrangement and hopelessness has become a shared feeling and condition. But, as Judith Butler warned that without accepting the fact that our lives are precarious – that our bodies die and decay – we cannot understand the importance of life, and without grievability of lives lost there is no reason to celebrate life (Butler, 2010).

In the wake of contemporary politics and culture of death we ask ourselves, what hope do we get from hopelessness (is there any)? And as the disparity of estrangement widely grows, how do we grieve our precarious lives if we do not recognize the loss of other lives different from us and what are the radical possibility we get from estrangement with Capitalism? Accordingly, in this panel discussion we gather three researchers from different fields: Didi Han, a Geographer from South Korea, will discuss her research about precarious young people in Seoul who learned to support each other through Bin Zib; Barbara Cueto, researcher/curator, will share her thoughts about what tools are available for us to withdraw from capitalism; While, Sociologist Yoshitaka Mouri responds to each presentations as he relates it to his analysis and case study of the new cultural/political movement initiated by Japanese Freeters generations.


死にまつわる現代の政治学と文化が生まれようとするなか、私たちは絶望からどんな希望を見出すのか(希望はありうるか)と自問します。世界の分断と隔たりがますます拡大されるなか、私たちが自分たちとは異なる他者の死を認識しないならば、どうやって不安定な自分たちの生を嘆くことができるのか?資本主義からの離反から、私たちはどんな根源的な可能性を見いだせるのか?異なる専門領域から3人の研究者を招いてディスカッションを行います。韓国のDidi HanはBin Zibを通して協同的な関係を作り上げたソウルのプレカリアートな若者たちについてのリサーチを紹介します。リサーチャー/キュレーターであるBarbara Cuetoは資本主義から離脱するために有効なツールは何であるかについて、自身の考えを共有します。社会学者の毛利嘉孝は日本のフリーター世代によって誕生した新しい政治/文化運動についてのケーススタディと自身の分析を関連付けながら、個々のプレゼンテーションに対する見解を述べます。

Discussant: Yoshitaka Mouri | About him

Presenter: Didi Han | About her

Presenter: Barbara Cueto | About her


Radio Panel Discussion 2: Fragile Unions

12月26日(火)19時~21時 不安定の中のユニオン




In an age when the workforce is increasingly divided, isolated and made invisible from each other, it seems ever harder to conceive of a strong and effective union movement. As irregular workers, temporary contracts and outsourcing reach new heights there are ever greater hurdles for such precarious workers to organize themselves. Many of us are working for several companies at the same time, working different shifts and in different places from our colleagues, and in the case of foreign trainees in particular are even denied the recognition as workers all together.

In this panel discussion we attempt to touch upon the reconceptualization of the union in times of mass precarity and examine how labour groups go about organizing themselves in the face of the ever more solitary, uninformed and vulnerable worker.

Inviting unions which specialize in support for freeters, emotional labourers, migrant workers and foreign trainees we consider the socio-political conditions which brought about the founding of such unions, their structure and strategies,  key cases and the pressing issues facing the precarious workforce in Japanese society today.










東京都千代田区三崎町2-15-9 木暮ビル2階


Live DJ Performance
日時:2017年12月21日(木) 15:00-18:00
Featuring: Yoshi Mouri

Japanese Solidarity Group for Innocent Rafael Rafael Braga
日時:2017年12月26日(火) 15:00-18:00

Featuring: DJ Mixnoise and gra/Full



Sorrowful Voices in the Debris of Radio Waves
日時:2017年12月21日(木) 19:00-21:00
Featuring: 宇波拓・竹田賢一

Sadookesa in C.
日時:2017年12月24日(日) 19:00-21:00
Featuring: 富永剛総・市川平

日時:2017年12月25日(日) 19:00-21:00


「0円で生きる」with 鶴見済Tsurumi Wataru
日時:2017年12月22日(金) 19:00-21:00

Skype Talk with Narsiso Martinez: Art and Undocumented Immigrants
日時:2017年12月23日(土) 15:00-18:00


A Free Talk on Issues Facing Foreign Residents Today with TSUBAME Living Migrations
日時:2017年12月24日(日) 15:00-18:00

“ツバメ Living Migration”は日本在住の移住者(外国人)と日本で生まれ育った人々によって設立された団体で、様々な出身国やバックグラウンドを持ち、暮らしているすべての人にとって日本がより居心地の良い家となることを望んでいます。


Walking with Namshil 「ナムシルと歩く」
日時:2017年12月25日(月) 15:00-18:00


Poetry Reading労働者通信を朗読する – 野田光太郎
日時:2017年12月27日(水) 15:00-16:00




Folk Storytelling: The Untold Stories of the Invisible

日時:2017年12月27日(水) 19:00-21:00


日時:2017年12月20日(水)〜 27日(水)


山崎いおんは新潟出身、現在東京を拠点に活動する作家。カリフォルニア州立大学ロングビーチ彫刻学部を卒業し、2015年にジョージア州立大学彫刻学部修士号を修了。フラックスナイト2013、メキシコシティーでのSOMA SUMMER 2014などアトランタ内外の様々な展示会、レジデンシーに参加。ジョージア州立大学で非常勤講師を務めたのち、2016年に東京に移住。[:en]

Starting from December 20 until 27, 2017
14:00 – 23:00 (Tokyo time)


Tactical Radio: Migration and Escape

Migration and Escape is a theme behind the series of tactical radio events which functions also as a cohabitational space between different individuals and groups of people (foreign migrant workers/trainee, freeters, hikikomori, etc.) who, despite the disparity of their context they share together a common condition in life under late capitalism, which is precariousness. This shared insecurity and permanent crisis in life is figuratively expressed through the temporality, invisibility and transient characteristics of the tactical radio. However, this shared precariousness and sociability of suffering on the other hand also describes the political and aesthetic approach to the tumultuous experience of the everyday life.

Thus, this transitory, polymorphous and temporary radio station, which also serves as a makeshift laboratory, organizes publicly a weeklong series of cohabitational and discursive radio events: panel discussions, music, experiments, storytelling, research, workshops, party, etc. that aims to activate the constellation of different subjectivities towards the recognizability of each other by sensing the shared grievability of our precarious life.

This multi-authored public radio program has been initiated by Jong Pairez – unskilled foreign migrant worker, precariat and curator/researcher student. It is kindly supported, morally and laborly, by Radio Kosaten and friends.


路地と人 ROJITOHITO December 20-27, 2017

RADKO FM – 移住と逃亡  12月20日~27日 路地と人 東京都千代田区三崎町2-15-9 木暮ビル2F

RADKO FMは資本主義の下で不安定な状況に置かれている人々、例えば移住労働者、技能実習生、フリーター、引きこもりの状態である方、クィアの方など、さまざまな異なるアイデンティティや体験を持つ個人やグループとの間にリンクをつくる、共生の空間を作り出す、一時的なラジオ放送です。不安定な存在であるプレカリアートの状態はラジオという目に見えない、低出力の電波としてのメディア自体にも比喩的に投影されています。共通点としてプレカリアートであることをさらに共有することも日々の騒がしい生活への政治的、美的なアプローチ(取り組み)につながるかもしれません。


この共同制作として作られたパブリックなラジオ番組はプレカリアートで、未熟練の移住労働者、キュレーター、リサーチャー、学生であるジョン・パイレズによって提案・企画されました。Radio Kosatenは複数のメンバーとさまざまな協力者によって成り立っています。


Opening Night
Date: Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Time: 19:00-22:00 (Doors open at 18:30).
Venue: Rojitohito 路地と人 2F Kogure Bldg., 2-5-9 Misakicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

Closing Night
Date: Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Time: 21:00-23:00
Venue: Indian Restaurant 路地と人 1F Kogure Bldg., 2-5-9 Misakicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

Tactical Radio Programming:


Radio Panel Discussion 1: Politics of Survival
Date: Saturday, December 23, 2017
Time: 19:00-21:00

“Alienation is then considered not as the loss of human authenticity, but as estrangement from capitalist interest, and therefore a necessary condition for the construction – in a space estranged from and hostile to labor relations – of an ultimate human relationship.” Franco Beradi (The Soul on Strike, 2009)

Over the years prior to the turn of the century, many have changed dramatically. The wall in Berlin that separates East and West Germany had collapsed. The Soviet bloc defeated and the Capitalist history turned to its end. Democracy had triumphed over dictatorship, however, thereafter a staccato of deregulations and economic restructuring let Western welfare states crumbling down. Regular employment ceased and in the following decades, the rest of the workers and the generations to follow has to live and survive precariously on their own. In Japan the family-corporate system broke down allowing a “lost generation” to proliferate who mostly still look back at the glory days waiting for someday they relive the postwar abundant past, but to some, they simply lost hope. Today, as precariousness escalate globally, estrangement and hopelessness have become a shared feeling and condition. But, as Judith Butler warned that without accepting the fact that our lives are precarious – that our bodies die and decay – we cannot understand the importance of life, and without grievability of lives lost there is no reason to celebrate life (Butler, 2010).

In the wake of contemporary politics and culture of death, we ask ourselves, what hope do we get from hopelessness (is there any)? And as the disparity of estrangement widely grows, how do we grieve our precarious lives if we do not recognize the loss of other lives different from us and what is the radical possibility we get from estrangement with Capitalism? Accordingly, in this panel discussion we gather three researchers from different fields: Didi Han, a Geographer from South Korea, will discuss her research about precarious young people in Seoul who learned to support each other through Bin Zib; Barbara Cueto, researcher/curator, will share her thoughts about what tools are available for us to withdraw from capitalism; While, Sociologist Yoshitaka Mouri responds to each presentation as he relates it to his analysis and case study of the new cultural/political movement initiated by Japanese Freeters generations.

Discussant: Yoshitaka Mouri | About him
Presenter: Didi Han | About her
Presenter: Barbara Cueto | About her

Radio Panel Discussion 2: Fragile Unions
Date: Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Time: 19:00-21:00

In an age when the workforce is increasingly divided, isolated and made invisible from each other, it seems ever harder to conceive of a strong and effective union movement. As irregular workers, temporary contracts and outsourcing reach new heights there are ever greater hurdles for such precarious workers to organize themselves. Many of us are working for several companies at the same time, working different shifts and in different places from our colleagues, and in the case of foreign trainees in particular are even denied the recognition as workers altogether.

In this panel discussion, we attempt to touch upon the reconceptualization of the union in times of mass precarity and examine how labour groups go about organizing themselves in the face of the ever more solitary, uninformed and vulnerable worker.

Inviting unions which specialize in support for freeters, emotional labourers, migrant workers and foreign trainees we consider the socio-political conditions which brought about the founding of such unions, their structure and strategies,  key cases and the pressing issues facing the precarious workforce in Japanese society today.

Discussant: Maria K. Peralva
Presenter: Eriko Fuse (Freeters Union)
Presenter: Tomoyuki Yamaguchi (APFS Union)


Live DJ Performance
Date: Thursday, December 21, 2017
Time: 15:00-18:00

Featuring Yoshi Mouri
Yoshi Mouri obtained his PhD in Sociology and his M.A. in Media and Communications from Goldsmiths College, University of London. His first degree was a B.A. in Economics from Kyoto University. He is currently Professor of Sociology and Cultural Studies in Tokyo University of the Arts. His research interests include sociology, media studies, cultural studies and contemporary art.

Japanese Solidarity Group for Innocent Rafael Rafael Braga
Date: Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Time: 15:00-18:00

Featuring DJ Mixnoise and gra/Full
A black man named Rafael Braga was arrested in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on 2013 June, while passing by one of the massive protest against increasing public transport fares that were occurring at that moment nationally. He was accused of carrying materials to make molotov cocktails, but all he had was a cleaning product. Still he was sentenced to 5 years of prison. Later when he was in semi-open prison (He came home with electric GPS device and had curfew) he was arrested again and charged for drug possession and trafficking, although neighbor’s witness proves he did not carry any bag that should be necessary to hide the drugs that police said it was Rafael’s possession. For this accusation, he was again sentenced to 11 years of prison. Rafael was recently changed to home prison to treat tuberculosis, but as soon as he is recovered he would be transferred back to prison. We decided to host an event to help him win real freedom.


Sorrowful Voices in the Debris of Radio Waves
Date: Thursday, December 21, 2017
Time: 19:00-21:00

 Sorrowful Voices in the Debris of Radio Waves is a mixture of live DJ and (non-)music performance: mystical ritual for nothing, dark ambient for negation, abandoned melodies sung by soulless voice, etc.

Featuring Taku Unami with Kenichi Takeda
Taku Unami is a Performer of multi-instrumental, improvised, or unclassifiable (non-)music. Bandleader and guitarist of depressive easy-listening group HOSE (discontinued). Composer of film scores for directors including Isao Okishima and Takeshi Furusawa. Founder of hibari music, an experimental music record label and distributor. Work influenced by cosmic-pessimism, science-fiction, and supernatural-horror. Proficient in string instruments, piano, synthesizers, recording hardware and software, and “obfuscated everyday, non-musical objects”. Member of HONTATEDORI, Kanji Nakao Trio … Collaborators include Klaus Filip, Jean-Luc Guionnet, Kazushige Kinoshita, Eric La Casa, Radu Malfatti … Recorded or mastered numerous records for labels such as Erstwhile Records, Enban, map … Published more than 30 solo or collaborative records and performed in Asia, Europe, Middle East, and United States. Recent publications include Species Pluralis with Jarrod Fowler (No Schools Recordings 2016), The Whistler with Graham Lambkin (Erstwhile Records 2017), zymology with Sam Sfirri (hibari music 2017), Failed Celestial Creatures with David Grubbs (Empty Editions 2018).

Sadookesa in C.
Date: Sunday, December 24, 2017
Time: 19:00-21:00

Sadookesa in Cis a concoction of sound samples interrupting Terry Riley’s “In C” piano piece with Japanese folk song Sado Okesa. The sound performance is paired with a light installation by Artist Taira Ichikawa. 

Featuring Goso Tominaga with Taira Ichikawa
Born in 1963 in Sumida-ku, Tokyo, Goso Tominaga became a contemporary photographer and have been making images of the unseen life of the city since the early 1990s. Taira Tachikawa is a contemporary sculptor who works with lights and electronics.


0円で生きる (To Live By 0 Yen) with Tsurumi Wataru
Date: Friday, December 22, 2017
Time: 19:00-21:00

 In this event Tsurumi Wataru – writer, will share and discuss about his recent book “0円で生きる (To Live By 0 Yen)” in a free talk interaction with live audiences. The discussion will circle around different approaches and practices in anti-capitalist lifestyle. Everyone are free to join and discuss with us.

Skype Talk with Narsiso Martinez: Art and Undocumented Immigrants
Date: Saturday, December 23, 2017
Time: 15:00-18:00

Ion Yamazaki will ask several questions related to Narsiso’s artistic practice and his life in general. Narsiso is a MFA candidate at California State University Long Beach and originally from Oaxaca, Mexico. His work depicts the life of immigrant workers (both himself and people whom he met in his life) in the United States. In his recent works, he deconstruct/reconstruct flattened used cardboard boxes, paints a scene filled with field workers and then puts them up on the wall. In this interview, we will ask how migration/escape affected his life and how it eventually shaped his artistic practice.

A Free Talk on Issues Facing Foreign Residents Today with TSUBAME Living Migrations
Date: Sunday, December 24, 2017
Time: 15:00-18:00

Tsubame is an organization founded by migrants from different countries and diverse backgrounds, living in Japan, along with Japanese nationals, with the hope of making it a better home for all. We are hoping to connect with the wider Japanese society, by disseminating information about our daily lives as members of this society and the diverse communities which we form a part of, whilst also highlighting the particular obstacles and issues faced by foreign residents at the same time.

Walking with Namshil
Date: Monday, December 25, 2017
Time: 15:00-18:00

Ion Yamazaki will ask Namshil several questions related to her Zainichi background while walking around the neighborhood she grew up in. Namshil is Ion’s coworker, who went to Chosen Gakkou—school for students of Korean descent in Japan—before going to public high school in Tokyo. In this interview, I am going to take a glance at her personal story of being Zainichi in the 21st century while we walk and talk at the same speed.


Folk Storytelling: The Untold Stories of the Invisible
Date: Wednesdasy, December 27, 2017
Time: 19:00-21:00

“This process of breaking dominant languages of power is crucial to providing the way towards the coming community, rendering inoperative the linguistic machine on which modern politics is based.”

Storytellers: Junko Harada, Jong Pairez, TSUBAME members (in many languages)


Ion Yamazaki
Date: Wednesday, December 20 – Wednesday, December 27, 2017. Open everyday.
Opening Hours: 14:00 – 23:00
Venue: Rojitohito, 2F Kogure Bldg., 2-5-9 Misakicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

Ion YAMAZAKI, originally from Niigata, Japan is a visual artist currently based in Tokyo. He received his BFA in Sculpture at California State University Long Beach before moving to Atlanta to complete his MFA in Sculpture at Georgia State University in 2015. In addition to his frequent participation to various exhibitions in Atlanta, Yamazaki was part of FLUX NIGHT 2013 and SOMA Summer 2014 in Mexico City. Having worked as a part-time instructor at Georgia State University’s Ernest G. Welch School of Art & Design, he relocated to Tokyo in 2016.

Radio Panel Discussion 1: Politics of Survival 生き残りのための政治

12月23日 Saturday 19時~21時

“Alienation is then considered not as the loss of human authenticity, but as estrangement from capitalist interest, and therefore a necessary condition for the construction – in a space estranged from and hostile to labor relations – of an ultimate human relationship.” Franco Beradi (The Soul on Strike, 2009)

「疎外は人間の信頼性の喪失ではなく、資本主義的な関心からの離反と解釈される。それゆえに、-労働関係とは疎遠であり敵対的な空間における- 究極的な人間関係の構築にとって必要条件である」フランコ・ベラルディ(2009)

Over the years prior to the turn of the century many has changed dramatically. The wall in Berlin that separates East and West Germany had collapsed. The Soviet bloc defeated and the Capitalist history turned to its end. Democracy had triumphed over dictatorship, however, thereafter a staccato of deregulations and economic restructuring let Western welfare states crumbling down. Regular employment ceased and in the following decades the rest of the workers and the generations to follow has to live and survive precariously on their own. In Japan the family-corporate system broke down allowing a “lost generation” to proliferate who mostly still look back at the glory days waiting for someday they relive the postwar abundant past, but to some they simply lost hope. Today, as precariousness escalate globally, estrangement and hopelessness has become a shared feeling and condition. But, as Judith Butler warned that without accepting the fact that our lives are precarious – that our bodies die and decay – we cannot understand the importance of life, and without grievability of lives lost there is no reason to celebrate life (Butler, 2010).

In the wake of contemporary politics and culture of death we ask ourselves, what hope do we get from hopelessness (is there any)? And as the disparity of estrangement widely grows, how do we grieve our precarious lives if we do not recognize the loss of other lives different from us and what are the radical possibility we get from estrangement with Capitalism? Accordingly, in this panel discussion we gather three researchers from different fields: Didi Han, a Geographer from South Korea, will discuss her research about precarious young people in Seoul who learned to support each other through Bin Zib; Barbara Cueto, researcher/curator, will share her thoughts about what tools are available for us to withdraw from capitalism; While, Sociologist Yoshitaka Mouri responds to each presentations as he relates it to his analysis and case study of the new cultural/political movement initiated by Japanese Freeters generations.


死にまつわる現代の政治学と文化が生まれようとするなか、私たちは絶望からどんな希望を見出すのか(希望はありうるか)と自問します。世界の分断と隔たりがますます拡大されるなか、私たちが自分たちとは異なる他者の死を認識しないならば、どうやって不安定な自分たちの生を嘆くことができるのか?資本主義からの離反から、私たちはどんな根源的な可能性を見いだせるのか?異なる専門領域から3人の研究者を招いてディスカッションを行います。韓国のDidi HanはBin Zibを通して協同的な関係を作り上げたソウルのプレカリアートな若者たちについてのリサーチを紹介します。リサーチャー/キュレーターであるBarbara Cuetoは資本主義から離脱するために有効なツールは何であるかについて、自身の考えを共有します。社会学者の毛利嘉孝は日本のフリーター世代によって誕生した新しい政治/文化運動についてのケーススタディと自身の分析を関連付けながら、個々のプレゼンテーションに対する見解を述べます。

Discussant: Yoshitaka Mouri | About him

Presenter: Didi Han | About her

Presenter: Barbara Cueto | About her


Radio Panel Discussion 2: Fragile Unions

12月26日(火)19時~21時 不安定の中のユニオン




In an age when the workforce is increasingly divided, isolated and made invisible from each other, it seems ever harder to conceive of a strong and effective union movement. As irregular workers, temporary contracts and outsourcing reach new heights there are ever greater hurdles for such precarious workers to organize themselves. Many of us are working for several companies at the same time, working different shifts and in different places from our colleagues, and in the case of foreign trainees in particular are even denied the recognition as workers all together.

In this panel discussion we attempt to touch upon the reconceptualization of the union in times of mass precarity and examine how labour groups go about organizing themselves in the face of the ever more solitary, uninformed and vulnerable worker.

Inviting unions which specialize in support for freeters, emotional labourers, migrant workers and foreign trainees we consider the socio-political conditions which brought about the founding of such unions, their structure and strategies,  key cases and the pressing issues facing the precarious workforce in Japanese society today.










東京都千代田区三崎町2-15-9 木暮ビル2階


Live DJ Performance
日時:2017年12月21日(木) 15:00-18:00
Featuring: Yoshi Mouri

Japanese Solidarity Group for Innocent Rafael Rafael Braga
日時:2017年12月26日(火) 15:00-18:00

Featuring: DJ Mixnoise and gra/Full



Sorrowful Voices in the Debris of Radio Waves
日時:2017年12月21日(木) 19:00-21:00
Featuring: 宇波拓・竹田賢一

Sadookesa in C.
日時:2017年12月24日(日) 19:00-21:00
Featuring: 富永剛総・市川平

日時:2017年12月25日(日) 19:00-21:00


「0円で生きる」with 鶴見済Tsurumi Wataru
日時:2017年12月22日(金) 19:00-21:00

Skype Talk with Narsiso Martinez: Art and Undocumented Immigrants
日時:2017年12月23日(土) 15:00-18:00


A Free Talk on Issues Facing Foreign Residents Today with TSUBAME Living Migrations
日時:2017年12月24日(日) 15:00-18:00

“ツバメ Living Migration”は日本在住の移住者(外国人)と日本で生まれ育った人々によって設立された団体で、様々な出身国やバックグラウンドを持ち、暮らしているすべての人にとって日本がより居心地の良い家となることを望んでいます。


Walking with Namshil 「ナムシルと歩く」
日時:2017年12月25日(月) 15:00-18:00


Poetry Reading労働者通信を朗読する – 野田光太郎
日時:2017年12月27日(水) 15:00-16:00




Folk Storytelling: The Untold Stories of the Invisible

日時:2017年12月27日(水) 19:00-21:00


日時:2017年12月20日(水)〜 27日(水)


山崎いおんは新潟出身、現在東京を拠点に活動する作家。カリフォルニア州立大学ロングビーチ彫刻学部を卒業し、2015年にジョージア州立大学彫刻学部修士号を修了。フラックスナイト2013、メキシコシティーでのSOMA SUMMER 2014などアトランタ内外の様々な展示会、レジデンシーに参加。ジョージア州立大学で非常勤講師を務めたのち、2016年に東京に移住。[:]