YABAI TSUNAGARI - Open Call for Contributions!

YABAI TSUNAGARI - Open Call for Contributions! @ あなたの公-差-転
YABAI TSUNAGARI - Open Call for Contributions!
こちらはイベントではなく、ネット上の募集です! 『YABAI TSUNAGARI(ヤバいつながり)』はラジオKosatenの年二回発行のジャーナル(定期刊行物)です。これは、ラジオの企画チームで議論された、トピックに関する参加者それぞれの反応、意見や問題意識を含む批評ツールです。また、内部での反省や批評のためだけでなく、ラジオKosatenに関わっている方以外でも参加してもらえるオープンなものです。それによって、様々な人と、今ある問題意識を共有し拡散していくための対話型の取り組みを可能にします。ジャーナルは毎年秋と春に発行します。 参加応募〆切(写真、絵、詩、文章を募集します):2017年10月20日 radio.kosaten@gmail.com 宛にお送りください。 簡易印刷を使った限定DIY出版:2017年11月20日発行 Withdrawal(意訳:離脱する、退くこと)の行為は人間の歴史上、新しいものではありません。移住、避難、そして単純に放浪者であることは異なる文化によって様々な形で語られてきました。実際に、西洋世界でもっとも信者の多い宗教の誕生は、法典に刻まれた出エジプト(古代エジプト文明の圧政から逃れた奴隷の大規模な移動)の経験に由来しています。 今日、現代の過酷な状況から逃れたい、離れたいという人々にとって共通の衝動は変わらず残っています。たとえば1970年代初頭のイタリアでは、若い労働者が資本主義の無益から離脱、逃れるために働くことを拒否しました。同じころ、危機的な状況にある難民の統計上最も多かったのは、戦争の残虐から逃れた人々でした。かれらは共に命の安全を求めていました。この問題は、人々の移住-ほとんどの場合植民地化によって経済的貧窮に陥った国から豊かな土地へ移住した人たち-にも関連します。こうしたことの全ては身体的な可動性と、人々を追い立て、立ち退きを迫る状況がなければ起こりません。しかし、近年では、過酷な社会状況から、必ずしも身体を移動させずに逃れる人もいます。自ら身体的に移動する代わりに、自分たちの社会的空間を閉ざし、他者から自らを孤立させ、とどまることを選択するのです。 YABAI TSUNAGARI Journal(ヤバいつながり・ジャーナル)第一号の寄稿募集内容は、回避、離脱、そして拒否にかんする問題意識を、移住や、現代の私たちの生活の中で差異を受け入れることの難しさと関連させて追求します。 亡命者と略奪者の身体は、違法とされるにもかかわらず、同時にかれらそれぞれの空間を復活させるための始点、トランシーバーとみなされる。かれら(亡命者と略奪者)にとって通過点の役割を持ちうる空間として、どんなものが想像できるだろうか? 全く異なる複数の身体を、どのように結びつけて親密なつながりを生み出すことができるか?静かにとどまる回避行為は、想像上の境界線を消すことができるのか? ジョン・パイレズ ラジオkosaten OPEN CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONSYabai Tsunagari (translated as strange connections) is a Radio Kosaten biannual journal. It is a tool of critique containing reflections of each radio participants in relation to the topic, concerns and issues discussed in the cohabitational radio programming. Furthermore, besides an internal platform for self-reflection and critique the journal is also open to contribution from others outside the immediate Radio Kosaten community. This is to enable a dialogical approach to sharing and extending the issue at hand with different people. The journal will be published every Fall and Spring. Deadline (we accept photos, drawings, poetry, essays, etc.): October 20, 2017 To be published in limited DIY print edition using Risography: November 20, 2017 SEND YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS HERE: radio.kosaten@gmail.com The act of withdrawal is not new to the history of man. Migration, escape, and simply being a wanderlust is told in different ways by different cultures. In fact, the biggest religion in the Western world came from the codified experience of exodus - a mass withdrawal of slaves from the oppressive Egyptian civilization. Today, the shared urge to withdraw away from our contemporary oppressive condition remains the same. Young workers from early 1970s Italy, for instance, refused to work by withdrawing away from the futility of confronting Capitalism. Meanwhile, the biggest demography in refugee crisis are people fleeing away from the atrocities of war. Together they seek for their safety and survival. This extends also to the migration of people mostly from countries pauperized by colonization who are now searching for green pastures in the land of plenty. All of these requires physical mobility and uprootedness. However, recently, there are some who withdraw from oppressive conditions of society without necessarily moving their bodies. But on the contrary they shutdown their social spaces, isolate themselves from others, and remain stationary. The open call for contribution to the first issue of YABAI TSUNAGARI Journal explores the problematics of evasion, withdrawal and refusal by connecting it to the relationship with migration and the difficulty of accepting the different in our contemporary life. In the very first inauguration of YABAI TSUNAGARI Journal we ask and problematize the following questions with you: What are the possible spaces we can imagine that will serve as a transit point for fugitives and marauders whose bodies, despite deemed as illegitimate, are also considered potent terminals and transceivers in decoding their respective spaces of exception? How do we think of connecting disparate bodies together into a web of affinities? What are the radical possibilities of withdrawal and refusal? Does stationary withdrawal capable of erasing imaginary borders? Jong Pairez (member) Radio Kosaten http://kosaten.org/radko
Date and Time
October 20, 2017 @ 8:00 am – 11:59 pm Asia/Tokyo Timezone

『YABAI TSUNAGARI(ヤバいつながり)』はラジオKosatenの年二回発行のジャーナル(定期刊行物)です。これは、ラジオの企画チームで議論された、トピックに関する参加者それぞれの反応、意見や問題意識を含む批評ツールです。また、内部での反省や批評のためだけでなく、ラジオKosatenに関わっている方以外でも参加してもらえるオープンなものです。それによって、様々な人と、今ある問題意識を共有し拡散していくための対話型の取り組みを可能にします。ジャーナルは毎年秋と春に発行します。

radio.kosaten@gmail.com 宛にお送りください。




YABAI TSUNAGARI Journal(ヤバいつながり・ジャーナル)第一号の寄稿募集内容は、回避、離脱、そして拒否にかんする問題意識を、移住や、現代の私たちの生活の中で差異を受け入れることの難しさと関連させて追求します。




OPEN CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONSYabai Tsunagari (translated as strange connections) is a Radio Kosaten biannual journal. It is a tool of critique containing reflections of each radio participants in relation to the topic, concerns and issues discussed in the cohabitational radio programming. Furthermore, besides an internal platform for self-reflection and critique the journal is also open to contribution from others outside the immediate Radio Kosaten community. This is to enable a dialogical approach to sharing and extending the issue at hand with different people. The journal will be published every Fall and Spring.

Deadline (we accept photos, drawings, poetry, essays, etc.): October 20, 2017

To be published in limited DIY print edition using Risography: November 20, 2017

SEND YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS HERE: radio.kosaten@gmail.com

The act of withdrawal is not new to the history of man. Migration, escape, and simply being a wanderlust is told in different ways by different cultures. In fact, the biggest religion in the Western world came from the codified experience of exodus – a mass withdrawal of slaves from the oppressive Egyptian civilization.

Today, the shared urge to withdraw away from our contemporary oppressive condition remains the same. Young workers from early 1970s Italy, for instance, refused to work by withdrawing away from the futility of confronting Capitalism. Meanwhile, the biggest demography in refugee crisis are people fleeing away from the atrocities of war. Together they seek for their safety and survival. This extends also to the migration of people mostly from countries pauperized by colonization who are now searching for green pastures in the land of plenty. All of these requires physical mobility and uprootedness. However, recently, there are some who withdraw from oppressive conditions of society without necessarily moving their bodies. But on the contrary they shutdown their social spaces, isolate themselves from others, and remain stationary.

The open call for contribution to the first issue of YABAI TSUNAGARI Journal explores the problematics of evasion, withdrawal and refusal by connecting it to the relationship with migration and the difficulty of accepting the different in our contemporary life.

In the very first inauguration of YABAI TSUNAGARI Journal we ask and problematize the following questions with you: What are the possible spaces we can imagine that will serve as a transit point for fugitives and marauders whose bodies, despite deemed as illegitimate, are also considered potent terminals and transceivers in decoding their respective spaces of exception? How do we think of connecting disparate bodies together into a web of affinities? What are the radical possibilities of withdrawal and refusal? Does stationary withdrawal capable of erasing imaginary borders?

Jong Pairez (member)
Radio Kosaten