Mouth to Mouth 50/50 言語エクスチェンジ
mouth to mouth 50/50
12月17日(日) 16:00-18:00 無料
毎月行われる言語エクスチェンジ。リラックスした雰囲気 で、お茶を飲んだり、おやつを食べたりしながら、カフェ スタイルで、互いに助けあいながら英語・日本語を勉強し ましょう。
mouth to mouth 50/50 17th November 16:00-18:00
A chance to study English and Japanese together in a relaxed environment. No matter what your level we are sure to find good communication! Find here the words you are seeking to express yourself! All newcomers welcome!
mouth to mouth 50/50
12月17日(日) 16:00-18:00 無料
mouth to mouth 50/50 17th November 16:00-18:00
A chance to study English and Japanese together in a relaxed environment. No matter what your level we are sure to find good communication! Find here the words you are seeking to express yourself! All newcomers welcome!