![[:ja]Time Banks タイムバンクの可能性[:] @ あなたの公-差-転](http://kosaten.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/time.jpg)
6月10日(日) 18:00-20:00 無料 公差転ではよく貨幣経済の問題点や資本主義社会の搾取について議論をしています。これらの議論の土台となる態度の一つは、金銭的取引を越えたところにある、オルタナティブな交換概念を探り、何かを共有するとはどういうことなのかを考えることでした。しかしここで開催されるイベントの多くが「参加費」を徴収することが公差転の基本的考えと矛盾しうることにメンバーは気がつきました。このため、個人の金銭上の消費に依存せず、個々の時間とスキルを他者とシェアしたいという意思(もちろん常にそうした時間を確保できないことは事実です)によって成り立つオルタナティブなエコノミーとして公差転でタイムバンクを開設する可能性を探ってみたいと考えています。最初の時間通貨は19世紀初頭イギリスの社会主義者によって確立され、マルクスによっても「労働証明書」として提案されました。もっとも最初にタイムバンクとして組織されたのは1973年に日本のミズシマテルコが設立したボランティア労働銀行でした。この銀行は女性による自助ネットワークによって男性への物的な依存から女性たちを解放させる目的を持っていました。これ以降世界中で様々なタイムバンクが作られ、タイムドルやNimsesという時間通貨を取り扱うアプリなどが開発されています。タイムバンクに関する先駆的な理論家の一人であるエドガー・S.カーンはタイムバンキングの主たる価値について5つの点を挙げています。 ・誰もが「資産」であること ・金銭額では価値化できない労働があるとみなすこと ・互恵主義であること ・社会的なネットワークが必要とされること ・全ての人に尊厳があるとされること タイムバンクには様々な解釈があり、組織によって非常に異なる構造を持っています。ここではいくつかの例を検証しながら、どのように公差転でその考え方を取り入れることができるか検討します。 The Possibilities of Time Banks 10th June 18:00-20:00 At Kosaten we often debate the problematics of monetary economy and the exploits of capitalist society. One of our founding principles was to seek out a form of exchange beyond that of financial transactions and think what it really means to share something. Despite this we noticed recently many of our events had come to include an admission charge which seemed to contradict our principles. We would therefore like to seek out the possibilities of opening a time bank at kosaten as an alternative economy which does not depend upon an individual’s spending power, but their willingness to share their time and skills with others (although we realize there is always a severe lack of time!) The first time currency was established in the early 19th century by British socialists and was also proposed by Marx as "Labor Certificates". The first organized time bank was facilitated by Teruko Mizushima in Japan in 1973 as the Volunteer Labour Bank which aimed to create a support network amongst women and liberate them from perceived dependency on men for subistancy. Since then many Time Banks have flourished across the world, even establishing the currency of Time Dollars and an app “Nimses” which issues nims (1 nim = 1 minute of life) for the time you share. Edgar S. Cahn, the leading theorist of time banks, has also outlined the five core values of time banking: *Everyone is an asset *Some work is beyond a monetary price *Reciprocity in helping *Social networks are necessary *A respect for all human beings There are many interpretations of time banks and different structures of their organization. We would like to take the time to examine some of these examples and consider how we might apply such principles at kosaten.[:][:ja]
6月10日(日) 18:00-20:00 無料
The Possibilities of Time Banks
10th June 18:00-20:00
At Kosaten we often debate the problematics of monetary economy and the exploits of capitalist society. One of our founding principles was to seek out a form of exchange beyond that of financial transactions and think what it really means to share something. Despite this we noticed recently many of our events had come to include an admission charge which seemed to contradict our principles. We would therefore like to seek out the possibilities of opening a time bank at kosaten as an alternative economy which does not depend upon an individual’s spending power, but their willingness to share their time and skills with others (although we realize there is always a severe lack of time!) The first time currency was established in the early 19th century by British socialists and was also proposed by Marx as “Labor Certificates”. The first organized time bank was facilitated by Teruko Mizushima in Japan in 1973 as the Volunteer Labour Bank which aimed to create a support network amongst women and liberate them from perceived dependency on men for subistancy. Since then many Time Banks have flourished across the world, even establishing the currency of Time Dollars and an app “Nimses” which issues nims (1 nim = 1 minute of life) for the time you share. Edgar S. Cahn, the leading theorist of time banks, has also outlined the five core values of time banking:
*Everyone is an asset *Some work is beyond a monetary price *Reciprocity in helping *Social networks are necessary *A respect for all human beings
There are many interpretations of time banks and different structures of their organization. We would like to take the time to examine some of these examples and consider how we might apply such principles at kosaten.[:]