[:ja]queer cafe[:en] Nothing to Do Day[:]

[:ja]queer cafe[:en] Nothing to Do Day[:] @ あなたの公-差-転
[:ja]queer cafe[:en] Nothing to Do Day[:]
[:ja]クィアカフェ 9月23日 12時~20時 (お話は主に14時~17時)無料 性別って男と女の二つだけ? 恋愛対象がいること、それが異性なのは当たり前? 社会にはジェンダーや性に関わる規範や抑圧が沢山あります。 そんな考え方に違和感を感じるあなたも、そうでないあなたも、 普段はなかなか話せない、 性について色々話してみませんか? クィアカフェでは、社会では当たり前になってしまった 人の性を決まり事で分ける事や、無理に決め付けられる事から少し離れて、 カテゴライズに縛られず様々な性の違和感や考え方をみんなで話して共有してみましょう。 はっきり言葉に出さなくても、特に自分の話したいことがまとまらなくても、じっくり考えたい人も大歓迎。 それぞれが自分のありのままを受け入れ、安心してそこにいられる居場所であるクィアカフェを一緒に作っていきましょう。 Queer cafe The binary division between male and female, and the assumptions of attraction and the object of such attraction are some examples of the many norms and oppressions which engulf us in relation to gender and sexuality in our society. Whether you feel uncomfortable in the face of such conditions or not, join us to talk about concerns of sex, gender and queer being which are often difficult to touch upon in daily life. We hope to escape from being forcibly defined by gender/sexuality or categorized by terms which do not reflect our being - and in a zone of deviation share our concerns and ideas on our own terms. Please do not hesitate to join if you… feel you would rather not talk about yourself feel you are not ready to sum up your ideas would like to spend time to think than discuss. ALL welcome! Let's get together to make a QUEER space where you can celebrate being just who you are and feel safe to stay...![:]
Date and Time
September 23, 2018 @ 12:00 pm – 8:00 pm Asia/Tokyo Timezone

9月23日 12時~20時 (お話は主に14時~17時)無料




Queer cafe

The binary division between male and female, and the assumptions of attraction and the object of such attraction are some examples of the many norms and oppressions which engulf us in relation to gender and sexuality in our society.
Whether you feel uncomfortable in the face of such conditions or not, join us to talk about concerns of sex, gender and queer being which are often difficult to touch upon in daily life.

We hope to escape from being forcibly defined by gender/sexuality or categorized by terms which do not reflect our being – and in a zone of deviation share our concerns and ideas on our own terms.

Please do not hesitate to join if you…
feel you would rather not talk about yourself
feel you are not ready to sum up your ideas
would like to spend time to think than discuss.
ALL welcome!

Let’s get together to make a QUEER space where you can celebrate being just who you are and feel safe to stay…![:]