3月24日 14:00-17:00 予約: https://goo.gl/forms/vJsGtVtaSyyW7Ort2 食べ物を得る・流通させることは生命維持だけでなく、環境・人権・倫理・福祉・宗教など多くの分野につながって存在しています。深夜営業のコンビニやファストフード店では24時間食べものが手に入り、社会はその便利さと安心感に依存しています。しかし、それを維持する労働者の過酷な状況、大量廃棄など環境にかかる負荷についての懸念が存在し、また同時に生命維持に不可欠な食べものや、安心して食事をする環境が十分でない場合もあります。わたしたちは、自分の心身と、社会や環境への負担を軽減した食のあり方を両立できるのか?具体的なアイデアや実践の例をシェアしてみませんか? *今回は、体に優しいメニューを作って食べながら、環境や労働問題のことも一緒に考えられる時間にしたいと思います。参加者のみなさんの好きな食材(野菜や果物)をカンパ、または一品持ち寄り歓迎です! Bitter Sweet "The Cycle and Function of Food" 24th March 14:00-17:00 The acquisition and trade of food is not just a matter of maintaining life but is connected to numerous issues of the environment, human rights, ethics, welfare and religion for example. In convenience stores and fast food chains running 24 hours, we have the possibility to get food any time we want, making us as a society dependent upon the security felt through this convenience. However, thiis supply is directly related to exploitation of workers and mass food waste, while at the same time an environment which provides the food we really need and under safe conditions is still not secured. How can we take care of our food needs while reducing the ill effects on society and the environment?[:][:ja]
3月24日 14:00-17:00 予約: https://goo.gl/forms/vJsGtVtaSyyW7Ort2
Bitter Sweet “The Cycle and Function of Food”
24th March 14:00-17:00
The acquisition and trade of food is not just a matter of maintaining life but is connected to numerous issues of the environment, human rights, ethics, welfare and religion for example. In convenience stores and fast food chains running 24 hours, we have the possibility to get food any time we want, making us as a society dependent upon the security felt through this convenience. However, thiis supply is directly related to exploitation of workers and mass food waste, while at the same time an environment which provides the food we really need and under safe conditions is still not secured. How can we take care of our food needs while reducing the ill effects on society and the environment?[:]