
[:ja]開室に関して 7月中当番できる人が少なくなったのでご迷惑をおかけして申し訳ございませんが、水曜日は休みにさせていただきます。日曜日の開室は4日、11日、18日にいつも通り12時~20時まで開いています。25日は日本語学習のみとなりますので一般の方は利用できませんのでご了承ください。8月からまた通常通りに戻れるように頑張りたいと思います。 kosaten opening hours As there are not enough people to open up kosaten in July we apologize but we will be closed on Wednesdays throughout this month. We will open as usual on the Sundays of 4th, 11th and 18th, however 25th will only be open for Japanese language study and not the general public. We are sorry for the inconvenience and hope to open as usual again from August.[:]
Date and Time
July 4, 2021 @ 12:00 pm – July 25, 2021 @ 8:00 pm Asia/Tokyo Timezone


kosaten opening hours
As there are not enough people to open up kosaten in July we apologize but we will be closed on Wednesdays throughout this month. We will open as usual on the Sundays of 4th, 11th and 18th, however 25th will only be open for Japanese language study and not the general public. We are sorry for the inconvenience and hope to open as usual again from August.[:]