


クィア+アライのコミュニティ queer+ally community 準備ミーティング9月13日(水)19時~21時 preparatory meeting on 13th September (wed) 19:00-21:00 kosaten 杉並区善福寺3-2-14 1F(kumonの隣) kosaten suginamiku zempukuji 3-2-14 1F(next to kumon) 申し込み reservation: https://forms.gle/Z7wqzLvwoCwci3NL8 杉並区でもクィアスペースを一緒に作っていきたいです! We want to create a queer space from Suginami ward!                      *まずは毎月kosatenでお集まりを企画したいと思っています。 *We would like to start by organizing a monthly gathering at kosaten
9月13日(水)19:00-21:00 杉並区善福寺3-2-14 kosatenで準備ミーティングを開催します。性的マイノリティの当事者とアライにご参加いただければ幸いです。
We will have a preparatory meeting on 13th September (wed) 19:00-21:00 - we would love for many queer people and allies to join!
性のあり方はそれぞれの人によって違って、いわる性的マイノリティであることで、デフォルトとされている異性愛・シスジェンダー以外の性の在り方、アイデンティティ、表現をもつ方、クィアである方は当然でそんな簡単にLGBTという表現でまとめることができないし、そもそも「定義」されること自体に抵抗のある方もいます。でもディフォルトとされている規範の圧力としばりから多くの当事者は逃げ場を求めています。 それぞれの色を持つ当事者とアライが集まり、お互いの安全を気にかけながら、いろいろ共有し合って、学び合って、自分らしく生きていく力をつけていきたいです。 今年の4月から杉並区性の多様性条例が実行され、パートナーシップ制度だけではなく、性的指向・性自認を理由とされる差別を禁止しています。希望をもたらす条例ができたはずなのに、それに対するバックラッシュが酷くて、SNSでヘイトを広めたり、駅前でヘイトのチラシを撒いたり、街宣や議会の中でもヘイトスピーチをやってしまう人もいて、性的マイノリティが追い込まれた、自分が住んでいる街が怖くなっているところもあります。 現在杉並区では当事者(とアライ)が安全に過ごしながら連携して、お互いサポートしたり、情報を共有したり、アクションを起こしたりする専用スペースがなくて、必要としている人は結構いると感じて、これから作っていきたいという想いがあります。   ✊相互扶助、ミューチュアルケアを中心として、それぞれの悩みや不安などをシェアできる ✊自分の可能性を堀探ったり、実験的に試したりする ✊クィアジョイを楽しく共有して、自分たちの存在を祝う ✊反資本主義の立場であり、レインボー、ピンクウォッシングに反対しています ✊ジェンダー、セクシュアリティ、人種、国籍、話す言葉、出身地、障がい、ねんれい、雇用状況などによる差別発言、差別的な扱いを禁止します。差別やセクハラ、その他のハラスメントが起きないように気を付けましょう。 ✊本を読んだり、映画を見たり、音楽を聞いたり、日常生活において気になっていることについて話し合ったり、政治的な動きについて考えたり、これからの暮らしのために勇気を見つけて、一緒に歩いていく仲間をつくる   *相手を決めつけなくて、ラベルをはったり、「はっきりさせる」こともしなくて、アウティングの問題を慎重に意識する *本人が自分の言葉で自分のことを語る ~言いたくないことは語らなくても大丈夫 *カウンセリングの専門家が基本的にいなくて、「相談」する場所というよりピアサポートという形 *リーダーもいなくて、ヒエラルキーに抵抗し、みんなで一緒につくるスペース *当事者性・アライシップの自覚がなくて、ただ「関心」のある方のご参加をご遠慮いただければと思います。   Everyone’s way of being in terms of sexuality and gender is different, and those who are referred to “sexual minorities”, those who do not fit the “default” mode of heterosexual - cis gender, those who are queer, do not necessarily fit under the LGBT label either, and some actively resist being defined - but often we have the need and urge to escape from the pressures and restrictions of the “default mode” We want to create a space for queer people of all different colors and graduations, along with allies, to come together, take care of each others safety, share, learn from each other and give each other courage to be who we are. From April this year the Suginami Ward Sexual Diversity Ordinance was established, not only locally recognizing partnerships for sexual minorities but also “prohibiting discrimination” on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. This should have been a cause for much hope but unfortunately it released a strong backlash with hate being spread on SNS, through flyers distributed at stations, and even hate speech taking place in the council assembly - making many queer people feel hounded and unsafe in their local neighborhoods. Currently in Suginami ward there are hardly any queer spaces - we need a space to gather, support each other, share information and take action - so we want to create such a space together.   ✊The space will be based on principles of Mutual Aid and Mutual Care - where we can share our concerns and explore our possibilities ✊We want to share in queerjoy and celebrate our existence ✊We are also Anti-capitalism - and against rainbow-pink washing Discrimination will not be tolerated – including that based on gender, sexuality, race, nationality, language, origins, disability, age or employment status. Let’s do our upmost to prevent discrimination, sexual harassment or any other kind of harassment ✊We would like to spend time to read books together, watch movies together, listen to music together, share our concerns in everyday life together, think of political actions we can take together, and in each other we hope to find the courage to take another step forward   *We ask you to not judge or label others and try to define their identity - we wish to be very sensitive to the problem of outing - even within this safe space *There is no professional counselors here and is not a counseling service but rather it is a place of peer support *There is no leader, we resist hierarchy and want to work together to create a safe space *We ask that for those who do not identify as queer/sexual minorities or do not identify as an ally, but merely have “interest”, to refrain from attending
Date and Time
September 13, 2023 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Asia/Tokyo Timezone


クィア+アライのコミュニティ queer+ally community

準備ミーティング9月13日(水)19時~21時 preparatory meeting on 13th September (wed) 19:00-21:00

kosaten 杉並区善福寺3-2-14 1F(kumonの隣) kosaten suginamiku zempukuji 3-2-14 1F(next to kumon)

申し込み reservation: https://forms.gle/Z7wqzLvwoCwci3NL8

杉並区でもクィアスペースを一緒に作っていきたいです! We want to create a queer space from Suginami ward!                      *まずは毎月kosatenでお集まりを企画したいと思っています。
*We would like to start by organizing a monthly gathering at kosaten

9月13日(水)19:00-21:00 杉並区善福寺3-2-14 kosatenで準備ミーティングを開催します。性的マイノリティの当事者とアライにご参加いただければ幸いです。
We will have a preparatory meeting on 13th September (wed) 19:00-21:00 – we would love for many queer people and allies to join!














*本人が自分の言葉で自分のことを語る ~言いたくないことは語らなくても大丈夫





Everyone’s way of being in terms of sexuality and gender is different, and those who are referred to “sexual minorities”, those who do not fit the “default” mode of heterosexual – cis gender, those who are queer, do not necessarily fit under the LGBT label either, and some actively resist being defined – but often we have the need and urge to escape from the pressures and restrictions of the “default mode”

We want to create a space for queer people of all different colors and graduations, along with allies, to come together, take care of each others safety, share, learn from each other and give each other courage to be who we are.

From April this year the Suginami Ward Sexual Diversity Ordinance was established, not only locally recognizing partnerships for sexual minorities but also “prohibiting discrimination” on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. This should have been a cause for much hope but unfortunately it released a strong backlash with hate being spread on SNS, through flyers distributed at stations, and even hate speech taking place in the council assembly – making many queer people feel hounded and unsafe in their local neighborhoods.

Currently in Suginami ward there are hardly any queer spaces – we need a space to gather, support each other, share information and take action – so we want to create such a space together.


✊The space will be based on principles of Mutual Aid and Mutual Care – where we can share our concerns and explore our possibilities

✊We want to share in queerjoy and celebrate our existence

✊We are also Anti-capitalism – and against rainbow-pink washing

Discrimination will not be tolerated – including that based on gender, sexuality, race, nationality, language, origins, disability, age or employment status. Let’s do our upmost to prevent discrimination, sexual harassment or any other kind of harassment

✊We would like to spend time to read books together, watch movies together, listen to music together, share our concerns in everyday life together, think of political actions we can take together, and in each other we hope to find the courage to take another step forward


*We ask you to not judge or label others and try to define their identity – we wish to be very sensitive to the problem of outing – even within this safe space

*There is no professional counselors here and is not a counseling service but rather it is a place of peer support

*There is no leader, we resist hierarchy and want to work together to create a safe space

*We ask that for those who do not identify as queer/sexual minorities or do not identify as an ally, but merely have “interest”, to refrain from attending