新年のご挨拶 1月のご案内

新年のご挨拶 1月のご案内
ご案内のリンク:https://us3.campaign-archive.com/?u=265ae6f5b228906abbdb2a3df&id=f73f75a670 年の瀬のあいさつも、新年のあいさつも、言葉にするのが憚られます。一方で自分が無視できた現実が常に同時に存在してきたことを忘れているだけだとも思います。そんな自分の、途方もない特権をどう利用するかは、きっとこうした年末年始の空いた時間を有効活用して考えるに値するでしょう。またそれぞれに事情は異なっても、あるいは会ったことがない多くの、しんどい毎日を生きてきた人々(国や地域にかかわらず)がいて、そのひとたちのケアや労働が自分の生活を支えてきたことも忘れたくありません。パレスチナ・ガザ地区で起きている虐殺の想像することもできない規模の大きさ、増えていく死亡者の数を現実として実感できない恐怖、殺される直前にインタビューに答えるある家族の肉声、爆撃で切断されたこどもの遺体を運ぶ親、レインボーフラッグをもつイスラエル軍の兵士、ハマスによって頭部を切断された乳幼児の写真をみたと嘘を繰り返すアメリカのバイデン大統領、イスラエル訪問で占領と虐殺に抗議しない上川外務大臣、イスラエル兵士に無償で食事を提供するマクドナルド、消費活動(セール)をボイコットする金曜日…。ここにある現実と自分の生活が両立していることのありえなさ、怖さ。難民や仮放免の人々の生存権を奪う入管法改悪案が国会で可決された6月。100年前の9月1日に起きた関東大震災の朝鮮人虐殺に対し追悼文を送らない小池都知事。セクシュアル・リプロダクティブヘルス/ライツが保証されず、安心安全な避妊手段へのアクセス、中絶、もしくは妊娠・出産できない外国籍の技能実習生が遺体遺棄したとして逮捕される事件。おそらく客が外国籍であることを知ったうえで漂白剤入りの水を提供した都内の飲食店(韓国政府から公正な捜査の要請が入った)。私がすぐに思い出せる2023年の出来事は、ほんの一部ですが、これが日本社会に根強く残る植民地支配とレイシズムの暴力でなくて、なんなのでしょうか。そして、多くのアジアの国と地域を占領支配し、民間人を虐殺し、組織的性暴力を許し、そこに暮らす人々の言葉や名前をも奪った大日本帝国の過去(現在でもある)に学ぶべき日本は、パレスチナ・ガザで起きている虐殺に加担している。kosatenにかかわる一人ひとりのことばや想いを決して代弁することはできませんが、まだ知らずに放置してしまっている現実のあることを自覚しつつ、その一部を少しずつでも学びながら、また新たな一年をはじめたいと思っています(まもなく至るところで目にするであろう日の丸国旗、街頭に並ぶお正月の異性愛主義・ジェンダー二元論的家族の表象、おせちを囲む家族団らんの極端な美化に嫌気を感じながら)。
鳥の模様のうしれにパレスチナ旗があり、なかにwe are not free until everyone is freeが書いてあります。下に「2024年停戦と解放を!」が書いてあります。
It is with intrepidation that I try to put into words greetings for the end of one year and the welcoming of a New Year. Or rather it is a fact that I have merely forgotten that the reality I have been able to ignore has always existed. For someone who holds so many privileges as myself, it surely is worth thinking how to use such privelege whilst free time is gained over the New Year's holidays. I must also not forget that my life is supported by the care and labour of countless people (regardless of country or region), who struggle through each day, each with different circumstances and whom I may have never met.The unimaginable scale of the massacre in the Gaza Strip, Palestine, the horror of not realising the increasing number of deaths, the voices of families being interviewed just before they were killed, parents carrying the bodies of their children mutilated by bombing, Israeli soldiers carrying rainbow flags, US President Biden repeatedly lying about seeing photos of infants whose heads were severed by Hamas; Foreign Minister Kamikawa doing nothing to protest the occupation and genocide on a visit to Israel; McDonald's offering free meals to Israeli soldiers; boycotting consumer sales on Fridays... The impossibility and fear of  one's everday way of life coexisting with this reality.The passing of the revision of the Immigration Control Act in June to deprive refugees and people on provisional release of their fundamental rights to living sustenance; Governor Koike failing to send words of rememerance towards the massacre of Koreans in the Great Kanto Earthquake, which marked 100 years on 1st September. A case in which a foreign technical trainee, whose sexual and reproductive health/rights are not guaranteed and who was unable to access safe and secure contraception, abortion, or pregnancy and childbirth, was arrested for disposal of a corpse. A restaurant in Tokyo that served bleach-laced water to a customer, presumably upon knowing that the customer was a foreign national (a request for a fair investigation was submitted by the South Korean Government). These are just a few of the events of 2023 that I can quickly recall, but what is this if not the violence of colonial rule and racism that persists in Japanese society? And Japan, which should learn from the past (which is also the present) of the Japanese Empire, which occupied and ruled many Asian countries and regions, massacred civilians, allowed organised sexual violence and even deprived the people living there of their language and names, is also complicit in the genocide taking place now in Gaza, Palestine.I can never speak the words and thoughts for each and every person involved in KOSATEN, but I would like to start another year by trying to learn little by little a part of a reality that we have left unacknowledged. (While feeling disgusted by the Hinomaru flags that fosoon each town, the heterosexist and gender dualistic family representations of New Year's met on every street, and the extreme glorification of family gatherings around Osechi).
Date and Time
January 3, 2024 @ 12:00 pm – January 31, 2024 @ 6:00 pm Asia/Tokyo Timezone



鳥の模様のうしれにパレスチナ旗があり、なかにwe are not free until everyone is freeが書いてあります。下に「2024年停戦と解放を!」が書いてあります。
It is with intrepidation that I try to put into words greetings for the end of one year and the welcoming of a New Year. Or rather it is a fact that I have merely forgotten that the reality I have been able to ignore has always existed. For someone who holds so many privileges as myself, it surely is worth thinking how to use such privelege whilst free time is gained over the New Year’s holidays. I must also not forget that my life is supported by the care and labour of countless people (regardless of country or region), who struggle through each day, each with different circumstances and whom I may have never met.The unimaginable scale of the massacre in the Gaza Strip, Palestine, the horror of not realising the increasing number of deaths, the voices of families being interviewed just before they were killed, parents carrying the bodies of their children mutilated by bombing, Israeli soldiers carrying rainbow flags, US President Biden repeatedly lying about seeing photos of infants whose heads were severed by Hamas; Foreign Minister Kamikawa doing nothing to protest the occupation and genocide on a visit to Israel; McDonald’s offering free meals to Israeli soldiers; boycotting consumer sales on Fridays… The impossibility and fear of  one’s everday way of life coexisting with this reality.The passing of the revision of the Immigration Control Act in June to deprive refugees and people on provisional release of their fundamental rights to living sustenance; Governor Koike failing to send words of rememerance towards the massacre of Koreans in the Great Kanto Earthquake, which marked 100 years on 1st September. A case in which a foreign technical trainee, whose sexual and reproductive health/rights are not guaranteed and who was unable to access safe and secure contraception, abortion, or pregnancy and childbirth, was arrested for disposal of a corpse. A restaurant in Tokyo that served bleach-laced water to a customer, presumably upon knowing that the customer was a foreign national (a request for a fair investigation was submitted by the South Korean Government). These are just a few of the events of 2023 that I can quickly recall, but what is this if not the violence of colonial rule and racism that persists in Japanese society? And Japan, which should learn from the past (which is also the present) of the Japanese Empire, which occupied and ruled many Asian countries and regions, massacred civilians, allowed organised sexual violence and even deprived the people living there of their language and names, is also complicit in the genocide taking place now in Gaza, Palestine.I can never speak the words and thoughts for each and every person involved in KOSATEN, but I would like to start another year by trying to learn little by little a part of a reality that we have left unacknowledged. (While feeling disgusted by the Hinomaru flags that fosoon each town, the heterosexist and gender dualistic family representations of New Year’s met on every street, and the extreme glorification of family gatherings around Osechi).