1 of U – メディアと自己表象 10月29日(日) 14:00-17:00 予約はこちら
1ofU – Media & Self Representation
29th October 14:00-17:00
In our last 1ofU meeting we learnt that many landlords discriminate against foreign residents due to impressions formed through the media. With the upcoming Olympics, the influx of tourism and the much debated gap in the Japanese workforce, the Japanese media are increasingly turning a small spotlight upon the presence of foreign residents in Japan. Whilst some may be glad that this presence is gaining more awareness others may be equally worried how stereotypes and misconceptions are being excited by the press. Amidst such banter of images and misrepresentation we would like to think about the examples and possibilities of self-representation by foreign residents in Japan through different forms of media. This may be mainstream media, alternative media networks, or publications/groups run by foreign residents. If you are engaged in a program of self-representation as a foreign resident (or someone with diverse roots) we would like to hear from you.