
「対話と表現」の空間として、kosatenはこれまで多くの課題と直面してきました。 わたしたちは異なる属性・背景をもつ一人ひとりの安心・安全に配慮しながら、さまざまな価値観が行き交う「交差点」として、誰でも参加できるオープンな空間をつくろうとしてきました。 -意見のぶつかり合いを排除するのではなく、それぞれの立場から違和感を共有する。 -誰かの無意識の偏見や言動によって傷ついた人がいたら、その人の痛みと向き合い対話をする。 -自分の当たり前、社会のヒエラルキー、規範とされてきた価値観を問い直す。 そんな場所として、kosatenが機能することを願ってきました。 理想や矛盾を自覚しつつ、「失敗」や「うまくいかないこと」に向き合うことこそ、重要と認識してきました。
しかし、kosatenの構造として多くの問題点がありました。 わたしたちはその問題点にこれまでにも気がつきながらも、十分に向き合わずにいました。 実際には、誰かが違和感を表明しにくかったり、傷ついた人、安心・安全が脅かされる状況におかれた人が排除されたこともありました。同じような状況に陥った時、どのように責任をもって介入し、参加者の安心・安全を守ることができるか、対策が不十分なまま活動を継続しました。ときには問題点と向き合うこと(対立)を避け、マイクロアグレッションを放置することになりました。イベント準備には十分な人数とリサーチ、検証がない場合もありました。その場だけの集まりで、お互いの持続的な信頼関係が軽視されていました。
内面化してきたのは、性差別的、植民地主義的、健常主義的な価値観ですが、それが全てではありません。 自分たちの弱さや無自覚な特権と向き合うための、双方向による積極的な学びは、未だに不十分でした。 対立を恐れた表面的なコミュニケーションと、ケアを担う側の無償労働によってその場を持続させる結果になりました。疑問にじっくり向き合う居心地の悪さを避け、責任を少数の者に委ね、ジェンダーロールを固定化させました。また不完全さを認め合い、常に「完璧」であろうとすることを放棄し、クィアな視点をもてる場所であることも必要でした。楽しみや幸福感を味わうだけではない試行錯誤が、もっと話されてもよかったのです。
kosatenはここで一度立ち止まります。 この2ヶ月間をこれまでのあり方を反省し、お互いに学び、対話を重ねることに時間を費やしたいと思います。もちろん、数カ月の取り組みが十分とは言えません。今後もわたしたちは失敗を重ねていくでしょう。 しかし、自らの失敗を直視し、真摯に省みることが今はもっとも重要だと感じています。 一緒に学びたい人、学びのヒントを共有してくださる方がいましたら、ぜひ声をかけてください。 contact@kosaten.org*ほとんどのイベントを休みますが、一応水曜日10:00-18:00と日曜日12:00-20:00部屋が開いていますので場所を必要としてうる方にご自由にご利用いただけます。(この時間帯の中でkosatenと関わっている人が上記の対話と学びに集中することもありますのでご了承ください。)
For the period of July and August kosaten will be taking a break from most of its events and will take time to reflect upon structures of violence which it has perpetuated. As a space for "expression and dialogue" kosaten has come to face many issues. While making attempts to consider the safety of each person,with all of their different identities and backgrounds, we have also made efforts to create an opem public platform in which different values cross and interact.
The following principles reflect part of space we were hoping to make at kosaten. *Without refraining from the collision of ideas, sharing our discomfort from our different positions *Anyone can cause harm to others through their subconcious prejudice and behaviors, and when this occurs the person's pain should be examined *Engaging in a questioning of assumptions, social heirachies and normalized values While being aware of our ideals and contradictions, we also sought to face mistakes and things that don't go as planned. However - the very structure of kosaten has always had problems in it. Up until now we might have been aware of some of those problems but have failed to examine them properly.
In reality many people have been unable to express their discomfort, and those who have been made to feel unsafe in situations have been effectively excluded. We have often not taken enough precautions to avoid these problems from repeating and without taking enough responsibility and making more attempts to create a safe space we have continued our activities.In some cases we have avoided confronting situations, and have not tackled many microaggressions. In the realization of events there have also been cases when there hasn't been enough time, research, consideration and people involved. In gathering in these circumstances our ongoing relationship of trust has become thinned. We of course have the internalized problem of sexism, colonialism, racism, ableism, but this is not everthing. Currently we have not faced our weaknesses, vulnerabilities, privileges enough and need to learn more from each other.
Fearing confrontation we have engaged in superficial communication, and unpaid care work/emotional labor resulting in this kind of situation.We have avoided making uncomfortable scrutinization of these questions, we have placed responsibility on just a small number of people and we have reinforced gender roles for example. At the same time it is important to have an awareness towards "incompletion", "imperfection", avoiding perfectionism and maintaining a queered perspective. We should have engaged alot more in conversation about processes of trial and error which might not always be fun and enjoyable.
In these circumstances kosaten will take a halt.
For these two months we intend to reflect upon what we have done up until now and take time to engage in dialogue and learn from each other. Of course just a couple of months won't be enough time to deal with everything and there will be more difficulties in the future. But we need to realize our failures and to sincerely reflect upon them. If you would like to learn together with us, or if you would like to share some hints to educate ourselves we would be very grateful if you would contact us. contact@kosaten.org
*We will be putting most of our events on hold, but the space of kosaten will be open as usual from 10:00-18:00 Wednesday and 12:00-20:00 on Sunday so you can still use as you wish if you really need to (But please understand conversations to learn from each other to tackle the above issues will also be going on)
Date and Time
July 1, 2020 @ 10:00 am – August 31, 2020 @ 8:00 pm Asia/Tokyo Timezone


一緒に学びたい人、学びのヒントを共有してくださる方がいましたら、ぜひ声をかけてください。 contact@kosaten.org*ほとんどのイベントを休みますが、一応水曜日10:00-18:00と日曜日12:00-20:00部屋が開いていますので場所を必要としてうる方にご自由にご利用いただけます。(この時間帯の中でkosatenと関わっている人が上記の対話と学びに集中することもありますのでご了承ください。)

For the period of July and August kosaten will be taking a break from most of its events and will take time to reflect upon structures of violence which it has perpetuated.
As a space for “expression and dialogue” kosaten has come to face many issues. While making attempts to consider the safety of each person,with all of their different identities and backgrounds, we have also made efforts to create an opem public platform in which different values cross and interact.
The following principles reflect part of space we were hoping to make at kosaten.
*Without refraining from the collision of ideas, sharing our discomfort from our different positions
*Anyone can cause harm to others through their subconcious prejudice and behaviors, and when this occurs the person’s pain should be examined
*Engaging in a questioning of assumptions, social heirachies and normalized values
While being aware of our ideals and contradictions, we also sought to face mistakes and things that don’t go as planned.
However – the very structure of kosaten has always had problems in it.
Up until now we might have been aware of some of those problems but have failed to examine them properly.
In reality many people have been unable to express their discomfort, and those who have been made to feel unsafe in situations have been effectively excluded. We have often not taken enough precautions to avoid these problems from repeating and without taking enough responsibility and making more attempts to create a safe space we have continued our activities.In some cases we have avoided confronting situations, and have not tackled many microaggressions. In the realization of events there have also been cases when there hasn’t been enough time, research, consideration and people involved. In gathering in these circumstances our ongoing relationship of trust has become thinned. We of course have the internalized problem of sexism, colonialism, racism, ableism, but this is not everthing. Currently we have not faced our weaknesses, vulnerabilities, privileges enough and need to learn more from each other.
Fearing confrontation we have engaged in superficial communication, and unpaid care work/emotional labor resulting in this kind of situation.We have avoided making uncomfortable scrutinization of these questions, we have placed responsibility on just a small number of people and we have reinforced gender roles for example. At the same time it is important to have an awareness towards “incompletion”, “imperfection”, avoiding perfectionism and maintaining a queered perspective. We should have engaged alot more in conversation about processes of trial and error which might not always be fun and enjoyable.
In these circumstances kosaten will take a halt.
For these two months we intend to reflect upon what we have done up until now and take time to engage in dialogue and learn from each other. Of course just a couple of months won’t be enough time to deal with everything and there will be more difficulties in the future.
But we need to realize our failures and to sincerely reflect upon them.
If you would like to learn together with us, or if you would like to share some hints to educate ourselves we would be very grateful if you would contact us. contact@kosaten.org
*We will be putting most of our events on hold, but the space of kosaten will be open as usual from 10:00-18:00 Wednesday and 12:00-20:00 on Sunday so you can still use as you wish if you really need to (But please understand conversations to learn from each other to tackle the above issues will also be going on)
