kosaten after school

kosaten after school @ あなたの公-差-転
kosaten after school
[:ja]kosaten after school 6月5日(水) 16:00-20:00 公差転ではディスカッション、アート、料理などを通じて差別、人権、移民、障がい、政治など現代社会に生きる私たちにとってとても身近なテーマを扱っています。月に1回程度これまで学んだこと、感じたこと、今興味があることなどを共有したり、さらに学んだりしませんか。もちろん公差転がどんな場所なのか知ってみたい!と言う方も大歓迎です。特別何をすると言うわけでもありませんが食べたり飲んだりしながら本を読んだり、話したり、動画を見たり、ゲームをしたり、ダンスをしたり、音楽を演奏したり、アートを作ったりできる時間になればいいなと思っています。 kosaten after school 5th June 16:00-20:00 At kosaten issues of discrimination, human rights, migration, disability, politics and other close subjects of contemporary society are explored through discussion, art, cooking and other creative approaches. Once a month on a Wednesday evening we will get together to share what we have learnt, what we have felt, what we have interest in and through this sharing learn something more. Those who are just interested to know what kind of place kosaten is are also very welcome to pop by. There is no particular special program this day but while having a bite to eat you can read books, talk, watch films, play games, dance, listen to music, create art, and just hang out together.[:]
Date and Time
June 5, 2019 @ 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm Asia/Tokyo Timezone

[:ja]kosaten after school
6月5日(水) 16:00-20:00


kosaten after school
5th June 16:00-20:00
At kosaten issues of discrimination, human rights, migration, disability, politics and other close subjects of contemporary society are explored through discussion, art, cooking and other creative approaches. Once a month on a Wednesday evening we will get together to share what we have learnt, what we have felt, what we have interest in and through this sharing learn something more. Those who are just interested to know what kind of place kosaten is are also very welcome to pop by. There is no particular special program this day but while having a bite to eat you can read books, talk, watch films, play games, dance, listen to music, create art, and just hang out together.[:]