ことばの連鎖 ことばから浮かび上がるイメージ 力になることば、深さがあることば、感情につながることば 俳句やポエム、歌も からだ、こころに響くことば 今回のアートcareでは雑誌や新聞の見出しなどから切り抜いたことば、手書きのことば、スタンプなどでできあがることば、自分にとって意味があることばを結び付け、視覚的にも、文学的なレベルでも作品を織り上げていきます。
A String of Words17th May 10:30-13:30 donation welcome
book here: https://bit.ly/2vuCoK9 Images which spring from words Words which bring strength, which have depth, which connect to our emotions Maybe it is haiku, a poem, a song Somewhere they reverberate within us In this month's art care we will make a selection of words which have meaning to us and tie them together to form both visual and literary works.
[:ja]アートcare – ことばの連鎖
5月17日(日)10:30-13:30 カンパ制
予約: https://bit.ly/2vuCoK9
A String of Words
17th May 10:30-13:30 donation welcome
book here: https://bit.ly/2vuCoK9
Images which spring from words
Words which bring strength, which have depth, which connect to our emotions
Maybe it is haiku, a poem, a song
Somewhere they reverberate within us
In this month’s art care we will make a selection of words which have meaning to us and tie them together to form both visual and literary works.