[:ja]「みんなのフェミニズム:第5回 セーフスペースをつくるための表現と対話」[:]
「みんなのフェミニズム:第5回 セーフスペースをつくるための表現と対話」
9月7日(土) 14:00-18:00 無料
Feminism for Everybody - Safe Space 7th September 14:00-18:00 Book here: Within feminist movements the necessity of a safe space is often talked about, but more often than not this is linked to the exclusion of particular people. But feminism is a means of tackling sexual/gender discrimination and all other forms of discrimination. In "Feminism for Everybody" we wish to stress that there is no one answer for feminism, but encourage instead a crossing of stances, and an opportunity to think from complex and diverse backgrounds. When we say "feminism is for everybody", this significantly includes people of all kinds of gender identity. We reject any belittling of the very real sexual violence which transgender/non-binary people are subject too for example, and will not accept statements which essentialize gender and ignore one's unique gender identity. At the same time we hope through our engagements to realize our own internalized prejudice and carefully confront these. In this event participants will share their individual ideas of what a "safe space" is, read together texts which expand our ideas of what a safe space means and finally create together a patchwork banner filled with our notions of a safe space.
「みんなのフェミニズム:第5回 セーフスペースをつくるための表現と対話」
9月7日(土) 14:00-18:00 無料
9月7日(土) 14:00-18:00 無料
Feminism for Everybody – Safe Space
7th September 14:00-18:00
Book here:
Within feminist movements the necessity of a safe space is often talked about, but more often than not this is linked to the exclusion of particular people. But feminism is a means of tackling sexual/gender discrimination and all other forms of discrimination.
In “Feminism for Everybody” we wish to stress that there is no one answer for feminism, but encourage instead a crossing of stances, and an opportunity to think from complex and diverse backgrounds. When we say “feminism is for everybody”, this significantly includes people of all kinds of gender identity. We reject any belittling of the very real sexual violence which transgender/non-binary people are subject too for example, and will not accept statements which essentialize gender and ignore one’s unique gender identity. At the same time we hope through our engagements to realize our own internalized prejudice and carefully confront these.
In this event participants will share their individual ideas of what a “safe space” is, read together texts which expand our ideas of what a safe space means and finally create together a patchwork banner filled with our notions of a safe space.