8月26日(月) 12:00-17:00
★8月24日12:00-18:00 あなたの公-差-転167-0041 東京都杉並区善福寺3-2-14善福寺ゴールデンハイツ1F「kosatenパントリー」も開催しています。どちらのパントリーを利用するかを予約フォームで指定できます。
Hotaru Pantry
26th August(Monday) 12:00-17:00
Eiko Church
Kosaten is joining forces with the food bank Second Harvest to create a satellite food bank at kosaten once a month. We provide food items free to those who are facing food shortages. (Mainly rice, pasta, udon etc, tinned goods and dried foods) If you wish to use this service please make a reservation using this form and come on the day to pick up the food stuffs from pantry venue.
This month the food bank will be held on 26th August 12:00-17:00
Please make your reservation as soon as possible.
Reservations :
**Personal information provided (phone number, email, address etc) will only be used so that kosaten may contact you if any situation occur
***Please bring some sturdy bags or a small suitcase to take the food goods back with you
★We are also running kosaten pantry on 24th August(Sat) 12:00-18:00 at Kosaten 167-0041 Tokyo Suginamiku Zempukuji 3-2-14 Zempukuji Golden Heights 1F. You can choose which pantry you would like to use from the reservation form
8月26日(月) 12:00-17:00
★8月24日12:00-18:00 あなたの公-差-転167-0041 東京都杉並区善福寺3-2-14善福寺ゴールデンハイツ1F「kosatenパントリー」も開催しています。どちらのパントリーを利用するかを予約フォームで指定できます。
Hotaru Pantry
26th August(Monday) 12:00-17:00
Eiko Church
Kosaten is joining forces with the food bank Second Harvest to create a satellite food bank at kosaten once a month. We provide food items free to those who are facing food shortages. (Mainly rice, pasta, udon etc, tinned goods and dried foods) If you wish to use this service please make a reservation using this form and come on the day to pick up the food stuffs from pantry venue.
This month the food bank will be held on 26th August 12:00-17:00
Please make your reservation as soon as possible.
Reservations :
**Personal information provided (phone number, email, address etc) will only be used so that kosaten may contact you if any situation occur
***Please bring some sturdy bags or a small suitcase to take the food goods back with you
This month the food bank will be held on 26th August 12:00-17:00
Please make your reservation as soon as possible.
Reservations :
**Personal information provided (phone number, email, address etc) will only be used so that kosaten may contact you if any situation occur
***Please bring some sturdy bags or a small suitcase to take the food goods back with you
★We are also running kosaten pantry on 24th August(Sat) 12:00-18:00 at Kosaten 167-0041 Tokyo Suginamiku Zempukuji 3-2-14 Zempukuji Golden Heights 1F. You can choose which pantry you would like to use from the reservation form