![[:ja]「何もない日」[:] @ あなたの公-差-転](http://kosaten.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/20180311_1840592.jpg)
5月20日(日) 12:00-20:00 無料 特に決まったイベントがない日。具体的な「目的」や、参加者/ファシリテーターなどの立場を作らずに、この空間をそれぞれの場所として共有できれば嬉しいです。イベントがない日もあってこそ、公-差-転という空間の意味も豊かになるのではないか?そんな想いでこの日を設けています。本棚に置いてある本を読みたい、音楽を聴きながら雑談したい、絵を描きたい、お茶でも飲みながらのんびり過ごしたい、公-差-転ってどんなところか気になる、etc...みんな歓迎です! Nothing to Do Day 20th May 12:00-20:00 On this day, we often spend time for a nice chat and a cup of tea with anyone who just happens to drop by. Kosaten is a space for people to meet by chance and just relax. We love to hear your thoughts or interests, cook some food together, or simply listening to music, reading books, or playing with instruments. We would love to spend time with you and learn of what interests and concerns you. We are most glad for you to pop by any time! Children are more than welcome![:][:ja]
5月20日(日) 12:00-20:00 無料
Nothing to Do Day
20th May 12:00-20:00
On this day, we often spend time for a nice chat and a cup of tea with anyone who just happens to drop by. Kosaten is a space for people to meet by chance and just relax. We love to hear your thoughts or interests, cook some food together, or simply listening to music, reading books, or playing with instruments. We would love to spend time with you and learn of what interests and concerns you. We are most glad for you to pop by any time! Children are more than welcome![:]