出演 CLYDE PETERSEN (YOUR HEART BREAKS) 蛭田竜太 日時 3月29日(金) 19:30〜 場所 IRREGULAR RHYTHM ASYLUM(東京都新宿区新宿1-30-12-302)[:en]Queer Cafe ’Queer Animator Clyde Petersen & a Queer Coming-of-Age Tale’ Torrey Pines: Film Screening / Q&A + Conversation with Clyde Sunday, March 31, 2019, noon-8pm (admission free) (film screening: 2pm-3pm /Q&A and conversation with Clyde: 3pm-5pm) We will have a picinic in Zempukuji park from 12:00-13:30 please check the map We are now fully booked for the film screening but you are welcome to join for the hanami and free session after 5pm too. Torrey Pines ( 2016 / USA / 60min ) Torrey Pines is Clyde’s autobiographical queer coming-of-age story. In the early 1990s in Southern California,twelve-year-old Petersen is taken on a cross-states road trip by Petersen’s schizophrenic mother. Amidst the journey, young Petersen struggles with gender identity and an emerging queerness. The film is made of colorful paper-cuts and unique analogue sounds. It has no dialogue entirely. So no need to translation or subtitles. This touching and heartfelt queer coming-of-age story takes you on a rollercoaster journey through loneliness and confusion, yet sensitively created humor throughout. Director: Clyde Petersen Clyde is a Seattle based artist, working in film, animation, music, installation, community organizing, mentor for queer kids and many other things. In January 2018, his film, Torrey Pines, was main-featured in the two-week-long Georama Film Festival at Theater Image Forum in Shibuya, Tokyo. Clyde and his queercore band “Your Heart Breaks”, were invited to the festival and played music along with the film, received the highly praise from the audience.[:][:ja]クィアカフェ queer cafe
(映画上映 14:00-15:00 / 監督を交えたQ&A・トーク 15:00-17:00)
上映会+トーク のたくさんいただきましたので予約を修了させていただきます。予約していない方はお花見と17時以降のフリーな時間に参加しても大丈夫です。
映画「トーリー・パインズ」(Torrey Pines/2016年/60分)1990年代初頭、南カルフォルニア。12歳のピーターソンは、統合失調症の母親に連れられて車でアメリカ大陸を横断する旅に出ます。そこで起こる奇妙な出来事と、次第に湧き上がる自分の性別への違和感。この作品は、個人制作のカラフルな切り絵とサウンドで作られています。全編を通して言葉によるセリフはないため、翻訳や字幕の必要はありません。この感動的で心温まる自伝的な思春期のクィア成長物語は、孤独と、絡み合った心境を通して(また 同時に、全編に渡って繊細に作り上げられたユーモアを通して)、観る人をローラーコースターの様な旅に連れ出します。
監督:クライド・ピーターソン (Clyde Petersen)
アメリカ・シアトルを拠点としたアーティスト。映画、アニメーション、音楽、展示作品、コミュニティーのオーガナイザー、クィアキッズためのメンターなど、多様な活動で知られています。2018年1月には、渋谷イメージフォーラムで2週間に渡り開催されたフィルム・フェスティバルで、自伝的な思春期のクィア成長物語 「トーリー・パインズ」がメイン上映にフィーチャーされ、自身のクィアバンド「ユア・ハート・ ブレイクス」とともに招かれ初来日し、上映時にサウンドトラックを生演奏して大絶賛を受けました。
日時 3月29日(金) 19:30〜
場所 IRREGULAR RHYTHM ASYLUM(東京都新宿区新宿1-30-12-302)[:en]Queer Cafe
’Queer Animator Clyde Petersen & a Queer Coming-of-Age Tale’
Torrey Pines: Film Screening / Q&A + Conversation with Clyde
Sunday, March 31, 2019, noon-8pm (admission free)
(film screening: 2pm-3pm /Q&A and conversation with Clyde: 3pm-5pm)
We will have a picinic in Zempukuji park from 12:00-13:30 please check the map
We are now fully booked for the film screening but you are welcome to join for the hanami and free session after 5pm too.
Torrey Pines ( 2016 / USA / 60min )
Torrey Pines is Clyde’s autobiographical queer coming-of-age story. In the early 1990s in Southern California,twelve-year-old Petersen is taken on a cross-states road trip by Petersen’s schizophrenic mother. Amidst the journey, young Petersen struggles with gender identity and an emerging queerness. The film is made of colorful paper-cuts and unique analogue sounds. It has no dialogue entirely. So no need to translation or subtitles. This touching and heartfelt queer coming-of-age story takes you on a rollercoaster journey through loneliness and confusion, yet sensitively created humor throughout.
Director: Clyde Petersen
Clyde is a Seattle based artist, working in film, animation, music, installation, community organizing, mentor for queer kids and many other things. In January 2018, his film, Torrey Pines, was main-featured in the two-week-long Georama Film Festival at Theater Image Forum in Shibuya, Tokyo. Clyde and his queercore band “Your Heart Breaks”, were invited to the festival and played music along with the film, received the highly praise from the audience.[:]