[:ja] Radio Kosaten Researchers Meeting[:]

[:ja] Radio Kosaten Researchers Meeting[:] @ あなたの公-差-転
[:ja] Radio Kosaten Researchers Meeting[:]

5/13 18:00-20:00 Radio Kosaten Researchers Meeting

Radio Kosaten is a monthly net radio show transmitted from kosaten by a variety of members and guests each pursuing their research interest as explored through radio dialogue. Radio Kosaten is set to launch its new program for this year in June and before that time we are calling for research members who would like to join us Against an Economy of Violence Current buzzwords of the post-internet era are those of exchange and sharing, words which suggest an equal footing on both sides, where each is satisfied with what has been presented and received. Yet for all of their soft power, these exchanges entail an integral violence which we are often too keen to ignore. This year’s Radio Kosaten program aims to rethink dominant power structures of economy of “exchange” and “sharing,” which dictate our human relations, reconfigure notions of “give” and “take”, and keep creating semi-chronic wounds of capitalism and (neo-)colonialism which are founded upon exploitation hidden behind “progress”. When education and knowledge is commodified and made available only to those who can afford them, when there is active erasure of knowledge/memory in relation to colonialism, when our exchanges are governed by hierarchies, when the laboring body is subsumed in a blanket of invisible reproduction, when we are denied self-determination in how we value and negotiate our time, knowledge, and goods, then what does exchange and sharing mean and what are their other possibilities? Keywords: Invisible labor, alternative education, knowledge economy, colonialism ラジオkosatenは様々なメンバーやゲストによって運営される毎月発信のネットラジオです。参加者がそれぞれの関心をラジオでの対話によって更に深めていきます。ラジオkosatenは6月から新しいプログラムを展開しますが、その前にまずはリサーチに関わりたいメンバーを募集します。 Against an Economy of Violence 暴力的なエコノミーに抵抗するために 詳細: 双方が対等であり満足のいくやり取りを示す言葉である「交換」と「共有」は今日のポスト・インターネット時代に於ける流行語である。然し乍ら、その柔和さ故、我々はそれらの言葉が暗示する本質的な猛威を時として無視しがちである。本年のラジオ交差転のプログラムでは人間関係を支配し、ギブアンドテイクの観念を再定義し、「進歩」の裏に隠された搾取の上に成立する資本主義や(新)植民地主義の半永久的な傷を残し続ける「交換」と「共有」の経済に於ける支配的な力構造について再考したい。教育と知識が商品化され購買能力があるものだけに提供される時、植民地主義に伴う知識及び記憶の能動的削除が行われる時、自らの交換が階級組織によって統括される時、労働力が不可視の複製品の一部と化す時、自らの時間、知識及び物資をどのようにして尊重するかについての自己決断を否定される時、「交換」と「共有」は一体何を意味しそれらの他の可能性とは何だろうか。 キーワード:目に見えない労働、代替教育、知識経済、植民地主義[:]
Date and Time
May 13, 2018 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Asia/Tokyo Timezone


5/13 18:00-20:00 Radio Kosaten Researchers Meeting

Radio Kosaten is a monthly net radio show transmitted from kosaten by a variety of members and guests each pursuing their research interest as explored through radio dialogue. Radio Kosaten is set to launch its new program for this year in June and before that time we are calling for research members who would like to join us

Against an Economy of Violence

Current buzzwords of the post-internet era are those of exchange and sharing, words which suggest an equal footing on both sides, where each is satisfied with what has been presented and received. Yet for all of their soft power, these exchanges entail an integral violence which we are often too keen to ignore. This year’s Radio Kosaten program aims to rethink dominant power structures of economy of “exchange” and “sharing,” which dictate our human relations, reconfigure notions of “give” and “take”, and keep creating semi-chronic wounds of capitalism and (neo-)colonialism which are founded upon exploitation hidden behind “progress”. When education and knowledge is commodified and made available only to those who can afford them, when there is active erasure of knowledge/memory in relation to colonialism, when our exchanges are governed by hierarchies, when the laboring body is subsumed in a blanket of invisible reproduction, when we are denied self-determination in how we value and negotiate our time, knowledge, and goods, then what does exchange and sharing mean and what are their other possibilities?

Keywords: Invisible labor, alternative education, knowledge economy, colonialism


Against an Economy of Violence 暴力的なエコノミーに抵抗するために


