Radio Kosaten - Safe Collisions - Constructive Conflicts?
6月10日(日)14:00-17:00 あなたの公差転には異なる背景、価値観、属性をもつ人が集まります。様々なレベルで日々抑圧に直面している人が、その日常から避難できる場所。あるいはそれぞれがありのままの自分でいられる場所、「社会」の中心から排除されていると感じる人が安全に過ごせる場所であることを目指しています。別の意見や価値観をもつ人との出会いを大事にしていますが、その時当然おこりうる対立も受けとめることができる場所でありたいと考えています。しかしそこで様々な人がそれぞれにもつ偏見や差別があらわになり、誰かを傷つけたり、痛みを生じさせることにも目を向ける必要があるでしょう。「安全に衝突できる」場所をつくることは可能か?互いの尊厳を維持しながら議論を展開し、価値観の衝突を受けとめる場所を生み出せるか?監視管理なしに、すでになされた各々の言動を省み、そこで起きた衝突や対立を乗り越えることはできるか?ここでは公差転メンバーが抱えているいくつかの問いにどう取り組むべきか、参加者と一緒にラジオを通じて考えます。今回は少人数でのロールプレイングや対話を通じてより実践的なアプローチを探ります。Radio Kosaten - Safe Collisions - Constructive Conflicts?
10th June 14:00-17:00 A place like Kosaten aims to be a refuge to those who face macro and micro aggressions on a daily basis, a place where you won’t be judged and can just be as you are. A safe gathering point for those who often feel excluded from the centre of “society”. Whilst wanting to create an environment where you can be at ease at the same time we also believe in the key importance of collisions, of the unheimlich, of coming across ideas and opinions which dont necessarily match with your own. As people of such diverse backgrounds, conditions and experiences gather upon kosaten it is natural that this clash should occur, and often in this case prejudices and discriminations are also revealed which can also cause offence and pain to others too. So is it possible to nurture a safe space of collisions? Can we achieve a debate and friction of values whilst respecting each other? Can we overcome prejudiced language and behavior without policing what is said and done in this space? These are the questions we constantly ask ourselves at kosaten and we would like to join in discussion with you via radio on how to tackle these contradictions in terms.[:][:ja]
Radio Kosaten – Safe Collisions – Constructive Conflicts?
Radio Kosaten – Safe Collisions – Constructive Conflicts?
10th June 14:00-17:00
A place like Kosaten aims to be a refuge to those who face macro and micro aggressions on a daily basis, a place where you won’t be judged and can just be as you are. A safe gathering point for those who often feel excluded from the centre of “society”. Whilst wanting to create an environment where you can be at ease at the same time we also believe in the key importance of collisions, of the unheimlich, of coming across ideas and opinions which dont necessarily match with your own. As people of such diverse backgrounds, conditions and experiences gather upon kosaten it is natural that this clash should occur, and often in this case prejudices and discriminations are also revealed which can also cause offence and pain to others too. So is it possible to nurture a safe space of collisions? Can we achieve a debate and friction of values whilst respecting each other? Can we overcome prejudiced language and behavior without policing what is said and done in this space? These are the questions we constantly ask ourselves at kosaten and we would like to join in discussion with you via radio on how to tackle these contradictions in terms.[:]