2018年5月27日(日) 14:00〜17:00 無料 申込み:10名まで
※part2:6月20日(水)19:00~21:00 現代哲学カフェ主催
Dialogue Lab
In a run up to a larger event to be held on 23rd June and entitled “The ‘Dividing’ Society - After the Sagamihara Massacre” a pre event will be held by Dialogue Lab@kosaten focusing on the discussion “Why do we divide people?” *A similar event will also take place on 20th June 19:00-21:00 run by Contemporary Philosophy Cafe.
[:][:ja]「だれにでも、自由に生きる権利があるの?」対話の実験室@公-差-転26 5月27日(日)14:00〜17:00
2018年5月27日(日) 14:00〜17:00 無料 申込み:10名まで
※part2:6月20日(水)19:00~21:00 現代哲学カフェ主催
Dialogue Lab
In a run up to a larger event to be held on 23rd June and entitled “The ‘Dividing’ Society – After the Sagamihara Massacre” a pre event will be held by Dialogue Lab@kosaten focusing on the discussion “Why do we divide people?” *A similar event will also take place on 20th June 19:00-21:00 run by Contemporary Philosophy Cafe.