![[:ja]ネットラジオ+プレゼン用の機材講座[:] @ あなたの公-差-転](http://kosaten.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/mixer_cables.jpg)
4月15日(日) 11:00-13:00 kosatenでは定期的にネットラジオが放送されたり、さまざまなトークや発表も行わてていますが、その機材やソフトのせってい設定や使い方をより多くの人と共有したいのです。ミクサー、マイクやyoutube/配信ソフトからプロジェクター、スピーカーやパソコンからのプレゼンの技術の基本をシェアします。 Radio + Presentation Tech Knowhow 15th April 11:00-13:00 At kosaten we regularly run an online radio station and offer a platform for many different talks and presentations, but we would like to share with more people the technical skills behind these programs. We therefore invite you to join us in learning how to set up a simple mixer and microphone, a projector and computer, as well as simple software for radio and presentations. 予約 [pwebcontact id=7][:][:ja]
4月15日(日) 11:00-13:00
Radio + Presentation Tech Knowhow
15th April 11:00-13:00
At kosaten we regularly run an online radio station and offer a platform for many different talks and presentations, but we would like to share with more people the technical skills behind these programs. We therefore invite you to join us in learning how to set up a simple mixer and microphone, a projector and computer, as well as simple software for radio and presentations.
[pwebcontact id=7][:]