[:ja]Together in Time[:]

[:ja]Together in Time[:] @ あなたの公-差-転
[:ja]Together in Time[:]
[:ja]Together in Time(仮) 9月29日18:00-20:00 無料 kosatenでタイムバンクのような仕組みを実現するように試行錯誤が続いています。タイムバンクの概念を活かしつつ、ちょっと違う形と価値観でやってみたいという話が前回にあって、時間を共有することを通してどのように資本主義の構造から一時的でも脱出することができるかいろいろ考えています。今回はまた短時間で(30分以内)誰かに時間をあげて、誰かに時間をもらうというふうに時間をシェアしてみます。ご興味があればぜひご参加ください。 Together in Time  29th September 18:00-20:00 At kosaten we continue to a process of trial and error in trying to facilitate something like a time bank. Whilst basing this initiative on ideas of the time bank we also try to realize it in a slightly different way and value, hoping through the sharing of time to escape the structures of capitalism if even just for a moment. On this occasion we will again share our time together for a short period (about 30 mins each), giving time to someone else and receiving time from someone else. If you are interested please come along.    [:]
Date and Time
September 29, 2018 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Asia/Tokyo Timezone

[:ja]Together in Time(仮)
9月29日18:00-20:00 無料
Together in Time 
29th September 18:00-20:00
At kosaten we continue to a process of trial and error in trying to facilitate something like a time bank. Whilst basing this initiative on ideas of the time bank we also try to realize it in a slightly different way and value, hoping through the sharing of time to escape the structures of capitalism if even just for a moment. On this occasion we will again share our time together for a short period (about 30 mins each), giving time to someone else and receiving time from someone else. If you are interested please come along.

