![[:ja]Something Formerly Known as Timebank?[:] @ あなたの公-差-転](http://kosaten.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/time.jpg)
Something Formerly Known as Timebank?
22nd July 18:00-20:00 Last time in this event, we shared the history of timebanks and thevarying structures from one timebank to another. We discussed how we can develop this timebank-like structure/community in Kosaten and came up with how each individual can offer and receive one’s hours without spending money. For this month’s event, we are planning to realize this structure/community by having each participant at Kosaten offer and receive 10-minute long services. We are also looking forward to coming up with a new name for this event since the word “bank” suggests a capitalistic inclination that demands reciprocity among its participants. Our hope is that this microstructure/community of mutual assistance can nourish ourselves and make us better human beings who can care about others. Please join us if you are interested! 7月22日 18:00-20:00 前回のこのイベントでは、タイムバンクの歴史と、その多様な展開・構造について参加者と共有しました。またタイムバンクのような仕組み、コミュニティーをどうやって公差転の中で活かせるのるかを議論しました。その結果、一人ひとりがどうやってある1時間をお金を使わずに誰かと交換することができるか、という問いにたどり着きました。今月は、公差転での参加者それぞれが10分間を誰かに提供し、また誰かからもらうというタイムバンク的な方法を実現しようと思っています。また「バンク」という言葉が参加者が互いに交換価値を要求する資本主義的な意味をもつため、違う名前でこの企画を呼びたいと考えています。お互いが協力し合うというミクロなコミュニティが他者に対してより良いかかわりをもち、自分たち自身を成長させることができることを願っています。ぜひ一緒にこの企画にご参加ください! [:][:ja]
Something Formerly Known as Timebank?
22nd July 18:00-20:00
Last time in this event, we shared the history of timebanks and thevarying structures from one timebank to another. We discussed how we can develop this timebank-like structure/community in Kosaten and came up with how each individual can offer and receive one’s hours without spending money. For this month’s event, we are planning to realize this structure/community by having each participant at Kosaten offer and receive 10-minute long services. We are also looking forward to coming up with a new name for this event since the word “bank” suggests a capitalistic inclination that demands reciprocity among its participants. Our hope is that this microstructure/community of mutual assistance can nourish ourselves and make us better human beings who can care about others. Please join us if you are interested!
7月22日 18:00-20:00