[:ja]Unmapping Tokyo – 西荻窪ワォ―キング・ワークショップ[:]

[:ja]Unmapping Tokyo - 西荻窪ワォ―キング・ワークショップ[:] @ あなたの公-差-転
[:ja]Unmapping Tokyo - 西荻窪ワォ―キング・ワークショップ[:]
[:ja]Kimbal Bumstead “Unmapping Tokyo” - 西荻窪ワォ―キング・ワークショップ 5/13 14:00-17:00 無料 https://coubic.com/kosaten/269908 4月に開催したワークショップに続いて、公差転の共謀者inレジデンスに参加しているキムバル・バムステドさんは西荻窪の周辺を歩くイベントを開催します。参加者は前のワークショップで作ったドローイングにならって、地面を横切る恣意的な線が制限してしまうような視覚的・聴覚的・触覚的な世界を探求していきます。ある人の個人的な体験が他の人のそれと交わる時に何が起こるでしょう?西荻窪に住んでいる近所の人も、ちょっと遠くからきた人もウェルカムです。 共謀者・イン・レジデンスの紹介 キムバル・クイスト・バムステド ロンドン在住のアーティス 作品においてリミナリティー、何かの間である状況、流動性などを検証しています。その理由で絵画、ドローリング、ビデオなど、さまざまなメディアの間で制作活動しています。作品制作に対してパフォーマンス的なアプローチをとり、物理的でも主観的でも「旅する」ことに興味があります。その旅は「ビカミング」(何かになる)永遠に続くプロセスであり、曲りくねった、不安定で、ノマド的なアイデンティティでもあります。風景、記憶、物語と場所との関係に関心があり、記憶やファンタジーはどのように風景の想像に影響を与えるかいろいろ探っています。 今回の東京での滞在では「Unmapping Tokyo」、東京を非地図化する、というプロジェクトを展開する予定です。特定な場所での個人の経験を空想なレンズを通して眺めてみる企画です。空想な場所を感覚的であるコラボレーション・ドローイングとして描きながら、ビデオをナラティブ道具として活かしてみたいと思います。 Kosatenの周りの地域である西荻窪を中心としてあそこで集まる人たちの経験や出会いによってドローリングとビデオを参加型なプロセスを通して制作し、地図としてまとめてある「場所」を再想像していきたいと思います。 Following on from his April drawing workshop, Kosaten Conspirator in Residence, Kimbal Bumstead presents a walking event around the Nishiogikubo area in which participants will follow the coordinates described by the previous drawings and explore the visual, aural and physical environment that a seemingly arbitrary line across land may circumscribe. When one person’s map of personal experience crosses with another what is there to Both Nishiogi locals and those hailing from further afar are welcome. Conspirator in Residence - Kimbal Quist Bumstead Kimbal Quist Bumstead, is an interdisciplinary artist based in London, will be conspirator in-residence at Kosaten. His work explores a personal and artistic inquiry into liminality, the state of being in-between, or being in-flux. As such, he also works between mediums; painting, drawing, and video. He takes a performative approach to making work and is interested in the physical and subjective notions of a journey, the eternal process of becoming and the meandering and unstable, nomadic identity. Particularly, he is exploring the relationship between landscape and memory, stories and places, and how perception, memory and fantasy play a role in imagining landscapes. He has just arrived in Tokyo and will embark on a period of exploration and discovery. The project is called “Unmapping Nishi-Ogikubo” and is part of an ongoing project (Unmapping) which looks at subjective experiences of places and landscapes through the lens of fantasy and imagination. While at Kosaten he is planning to develop this project to create an “un-map” of encounters and experiences in the neighbourhood. He aims to make a series of collaborative drawings and an abstract videowork to explore the multiplicities and various narratives in the Nishi-Ogikubo Neighbourhood.[:]
Date and Time
May 13, 2018 @ 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm Asia/Tokyo Timezone

[:ja]Kimbal Bumstead “Unmapping Tokyo” - 西荻窪ワォ―キング・ワークショップ
5/13 14:00-17:00 無料



今回の東京での滞在では「Unmapping Tokyo」、東京を非地図化する、というプロジェクトを展開する予定です。特定な場所での個人の経験を空想なレンズを通して眺めてみる企画です。空想な場所を感覚的であるコラボレーション・ドローイングとして描きながら、ビデオをナラティブ道具として活かしてみたいと思います。


Following on from his April drawing workshop, Kosaten Conspirator in Residence, Kimbal Bumstead presents a walking event around the Nishiogikubo area in which participants will follow the coordinates described by the previous drawings and explore the visual, aural and physical environment that a seemingly arbitrary line across land may circumscribe. When one person’s map of personal experience crosses with another what is there to Both Nishiogi locals and those hailing from further afar are welcome.

Conspirator in Residence – Kimbal Quist Bumstead
Kimbal Quist Bumstead, is an interdisciplinary artist based in London, will be conspirator in-residence at Kosaten. His work explores a personal and artistic inquiry into liminality, the state of being in-between, or being in-flux. As such, he also works between mediums; painting, drawing, and video. He takes a performative approach to making work and is interested in the physical and subjective notions of a journey, the eternal process of becoming and the meandering and unstable, nomadic identity. Particularly, he is exploring the relationship between landscape and memory, stories and places, and how perception, memory and fantasy play a role in imagining landscapes.
He has just arrived in Tokyo and will embark on a period of exploration and discovery.
The project is called “Unmapping Nishi-Ogikubo” and is part of an ongoing project (Unmapping) which looks at subjective experiences of places and landscapes through the lens of fantasy and imagination.
While at Kosaten he is planning to develop this project to create an “un-map” of encounters and experiences in the neighbourhood. He aims to make a series of collaborative drawings and an abstract videowork to explore the multiplicities and various narratives in the Nishi-Ogikubo Neighbourhood.[:]