Radio Kosaten#16 – 他人・外の社会と離れたい気持ち

Radio Kosaten#16 - 他人・外の社会と離れたい気持ち @ あなたの公-差-転
Radio Kosaten#16 - 他人・外の社会と離れたい気持ち
Radio Kosaten#16 - 他人・外の社会と離れたい気持ち

9月10日(日) 14:00-16:00


ひきこもり、不登校、NEETなどの言葉は「社会現象」や「社会問題」としてラベルを張られて、否定的な状況として批判されてしまうことが多いです。しかし、言語を単純化することでそれぞれの異なる状況、複雑な原因、選択の自由、またその状況の可能性が見捨てられて、一つのナラティブとして、当事者ではない人によってよく語られてきました。今回のRadio Kosatenではいわゆる当事者とそうではない方ができるだけ平等な関係で複雑な状況・気持ちのままで、それぞれの観点から「他人と離れたい気持ち」について話し合います。 Radio Kosaten - Wanting to Distance Yourself from Others 10th September 14:00-16:00 Words such as hikikomori, NEET and "drop-out" are all classed as so-called social problems and often criticized as negative conditions. However through this simplification of language we often deny the specific and differing situation of each individual, the complex causes of these conditions, the freedom to choose such conditions and the possibilities that they may hold. In this way a diverse situation is tidied into a single narrative and often talked of by those who have no direct experience of it. In this episode of Radio Kosaten we try to create an even platform for "concerned persons" and those who are not, directly discussing the complexities of these conditions and emotions when we attempt to distance ourselves from others.

Date and Time
September 10, 2017 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm Asia/Tokyo Timezone

Radio Kosaten#16 – 他人・外の社会と離れたい気持ち

9月10日(日) 14:00-16:00


ひきこもり、不登校、NEETなどの言葉は「社会現象」や「社会問題」としてラベルを張られて、否定的な状況として批判されてしまうことが多いです。しかし、言語を単純化することでそれぞれの異なる状況、複雑な原因、選択の自由、またその状況の可能性が見捨てられて、一つのナラティブとして、当事者ではない人によってよく語られてきました。今回のRadio Kosatenではいわゆる当事者とそうではない方ができるだけ平等な関係で複雑な状況・気持ちのままで、それぞれの観点から「他人と離れたい気持ち」について話し合います。

Radio Kosaten – Wanting to Distance Yourself from Others
10th September 14:00-16:00

Words such as hikikomori, NEET and “drop-out” are all classed as so-called social problems and often criticized as negative conditions. However through this simplification of language we often deny the specific and differing situation of each individual, the complex causes of these conditions, the freedom to choose such conditions and the possibilities that they may hold. In this way a diverse situation is tidied into a single narrative and often talked of by those who have no direct experience of it. In this episode of Radio Kosaten we try to create an even platform for “concerned persons” and those who are not, directly discussing the complexities of these conditions and emotions when we attempt to distance ourselves from others.